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Monday, 3 November 2014

JDBC Basics

In this lesson you will learn the basics of the JDBC API.

Getting Started

The sample code that comes with this tutorial creates a database that is used by a proprietor of a small coffee house called The Coffee Break, where coffee beans are sold by the pound and brewed coffee is sold by the cup.
The following steps configure a JDBC development environment with which you can compile and run the tutorial samples:
  1. Install the latest version of the Java SE SDK on your computer
  2. Install your database management system (DBMS) if needed
  3. Install a JDBC driver from the vendor of your database
  4. Install Apache Ant
  5. Install Apache Xalan
  6. Download the sample code
  7. Modify the build.xml file
  8. Modify the tutorial properties file
  9. Compile and package the samples
  10. Create databases, tables, and populate tables
  11. Run the samples

Install the latest version of the Java SE SDK on your computer

Install the latest version of the Java SE SDK on your computer.
Ensure that the full directory path of the Java SE SDK bin directory is in your PATH environment variable so that you can run the Java compiler and the Java application launcher from any directory.

Install your database management system (DBMS) if needed

You may use Java DB, which comes with the latest version of Java SE SDK. This tutorial has been tested for the following DBMS:
Note that if you are using another DBMS, you might have to alter the code of the tutorial samples.

Install a JDBC driver from the vendor of your database

If you are using Java DB, it already comes with a JDBC driver. If you are using MySQL, install the latest version of Connector/J.
Contact the vendor of your database to obtain a JDBC driver for your DBMS.
There are many possible implementations of JDBC drivers. These implementations are categorized as follows:
  • Type 1: Drivers that implement the JDBC API as a mapping to another data access API, such as ODBC (Open Database Connectivity). Drivers of this type are generally dependent on a native library, which limits their portability. The JDBC-ODBC Bridge is an example of a Type 1 driver.
    Note: The JDBC-ODBC Bridge should be considered a transitional solution. It is not supported by Oracle. Consider using this only if your DBMS does not offer a Java-only JDBC driver.
  • Type 2: Drivers that are written partly in the Java programming language and partly in native code. These drivers use a native client library specific to the data source to which they connect. Again, because of the native code, their portability is limited. Oracle's OCI (Oracle Call Interface) client-side driver is an example of a Type 2 driver.
  • Type 3: Drivers that use a pure Java client and communicate with a middleware server using a database-independent protocol. The middleware server then communicates the client's requests to the data source.
  • Type 4: Drivers that are pure Java and implement the network protocol for a specific data source. The client connects directly to the data source.
Check which driver types comes with your DBMS. Java DB comes with two Type 4 drivers, an Embedded driver and a Network Client Driver. MySQL Connector/J is a Type 4 driver.
Installing a JDBC driver generally consists of copying the driver to your computer, then adding the location of it to your class path. In addition, many JDBC drivers other than Type 4 drivers require you to install a client-side API. No other special configuration is usually needed.

Install Apache Ant

These steps use Apache Ant, a Java-based tool, to build, compile, and run the JDBC tutorial samples. Go to the following link to download Apache Ant:
Ensure that the Apache Ant executable file is in your PATH environment variable so that you can run it from any directory.

Install Apache Xalan

The sample, which is described in Using SQLXML Objects, requires Apache Xalan if your DBMS is Java DB. The sample uses Apache Xalan-Java. Go to the following link to download it:

Download the sample code

The sample code,, consists of the following files:
  • properties
    • javadb-build-properties.xml
    • javadb-sample-properties.xml
    • mysql-build-properties.xml
    • mysql-sample-properties.xml
  • sql
    • javadb
      • create-procedures.sql
      • create-tables.sql
      • drop-tables.sql
      • populate-tables.sql
    • mysql
      • create-procedures.sql
      • create-tables.sql
      • drop-tables.sql
      • populate-tables.sql
  • src/com/oracle/tutorial/jdbc
  • txt
    • colombian-description.txt
  • xml
    • rss-coffee-industry-news.xml
    • rss-the-coffee-break-blog.xml
  • build.xml
Create a directory to contain all the files of the sample. These steps refer to this directory as <JDBC tutorial directory>. Unzip the contents of into <JDBC tutorial directory>.

Modify the build.xml file

The build.xml file is the build file that Apache Ant uses to compile and execute the JDBC samples. The files properties/javadb-build-properties.xml and properties/mysql-build-properties.xml contain additional Apache Ant properties required for Java DB and MySQL, respectively. The files properties/javadb-sample-properties.xml and properties/mysql-sample-properties.xml contain properties required by the sample.
Modify these XML files as follows:

Modify build.xml

In the build.xml file, modify the property ANTPROPERTIES to refer to either properties/javadb-build-properties.xml or properties/mysql-build-properties.xml, depending on your DBMS. For example, if you are using Java DB, your build.xml file would contain this:

  <import file="${ANTPROPERTIES}"/>
Similarly, if you are using MySQL, your build.xml file would contain this:

  <import file="${ANTPROPERTIES}"/>

Modify database-specific properties file

In the properties/javadb-build-properties.xml or properties/mysql-build-properties.xml file (depending on your DBMS), modify the following properties, as described in the following table:
Property Description
JAVAC The full path name of your Java compiler, javac
JAVA The full path name of your Java runtime executable, java
PROPERTIESFILE The name of the properties file, either properties/javadb-sample-properties.xml or properties/mysql-sample-properties.xml
MYSQLDRIVER The full path name of your MySQL driver. For Connector/J, this is typically <Connector/J installation directory>/mysql-connector-java-version-number.jar.
JAVADBDRIVER The full path name of your Java DB driver. This is typically <Java DB installation directory>/lib/derby.jar.
XALANDIRECTORY The full path name of the directory that contains Apache Xalan.
CLASSPATH The class path that the JDBC tutorial uses. You do not need to change this value.
XALAN The full path name of the file xalan.jar.
DB.VENDOR A value of either derby or mysql depending on whether you are using Java DB or MySQL, respectively. The tutorial uses this value to construct the URL required to connect to the DBMS and identify DBMS-specific code and SQL statements.
DB.DRIVER The fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver. For Java DB, this is org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver. For MySQL, this is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
DB.HOST The host name of the computer hosting your DBMS.
DB.PORT The port number of the computer hosting your DBMS.
DB.SID The name of the database the tutorial creates and uses.
DB.URL.NEWDATABASE The connection URL used to connect to your DBMS when creating a new database. You do not need to change this value.
DB.URL The connection URL used to connect to your DBMS. You do not need to change this value.
DB.USER The name of the user that has access to create databases in the DBMS.
DB.PASSWORD The password of the user specified in DB.USER.
DB.DELIMITER The character used to separate SQL statements. Do not change this value. It should be the semicolon character (;).

Modify the tutorial properties file

The tutorial samples use the values in either the properties/javadb-sample-properties.xml file or properties/mysql-sample-properties.xml file (depending on your DBMS) to connect to the DBMS and initialize databases and tables, as described in the following table:
Property Description
dbms A value of either derby or mysql depending on whether you are using Java DB or MySQL, respectively. The tutorial uses this value to construct the URL required to connect to the DBMS and identify DBMS-specific code and SQL statements.
jar_file The full path name of the JAR file that contains all the class files of this tutorial.
driver The fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver. For Java DB, this is org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver. For MySQL, this is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
database_name The name of the database the tutorial creates and uses.
user_name The name of the user that has access to create databases in the DBMS.
password The password of the user specified in user_name.
server_name The host name of the computer hosting your DBMS.
port_number The port number of the computer hosting your DBMS.
Note: For simplicity in demonstrating the JDBC API, the JDBC tutorial sample code does not perform the password management techniques that a deployed system normally uses. In a production environment, you can follow the Oracle Database password management guidelines and disable any sample accounts. See the section Securing Passwords in Application Design in Managing Security for Application Developers in Oracle Database Security Guide for password management guidelines and other security recommendations.

Compile and package the samples

At a command prompt, change the current directory to <JDBC tutorial directory>. From this directory, run the following command to compile the samples and package them in a jar file:
ant jar

Create databases, tables, and populate tables

If you are using MySQL, then run the following command to create a database:
ant create-mysql-database
Note: No corresponding Ant target exists in the build.xml file that creates a database for Java DB. The database URL for Java DB, which is used to establish a database connection, includes the option to create the database (if it does not already exist). See Establishing a Connection for more information.
If you are using either Java DB or MySQL, then from the same directory, run the following command to delete existing sample database tables, recreate the tables, and populate them. For Java DB, this command also creates the database if it does not already exist:
ant setup
Note: You should run the command ant setup every time before you run one of the Java classes in the sample. Many of these samples expect specific data in the contents of the sample's database tables.

Run the samples

Each target in the build.xml file corresponds to a Java class or SQL script in the JDBC samples. The following table lists the targets in the build.xml file, which class or script each target executes, and other classes or files each target requires:
Ant Target Class or SQL Script Other Required Classes or Files
javadb-create-procedure javadb/create-procedures.sql; see the build.xml file to view other SQL statements that are run No other required files
mysql-create-procedure mysql/create-procedures.sql. No other required files
run JDBCTutorialUtilities No other required classes
runct CoffeesTable JDBCTutorialUtilities
runst SuppliersTable JDBCTutorialUtilities
runjrs JdbcRowSetSample JDBCTutorialUtilities
runcrs CachedRowSetSample, ExampleRowSetListener JDBCTutorialUtilities
runjoin JoinSample JDBCTutorialUtilities
runfrs FilteredRowSetSample JDBCTutorialUtilities, CityFilter, StateFilter
runwrs WebRowSetSample JDBCTutorialUtilities
runclob ClobSample JDBCTutorialUtilities, txt/colombian-description.txt
runrss RSSFeedsTable JDBCTutorialUtilities, the XML files contained in the xml directory
rundl DatalinkSample JDBCTutorialUtilities
runspjavadb StoredProcedureJavaDBSample JDBCTutorialUtilities, SuppliersTable, CoffeesTable
runspmysql StoredProcedureMySQLSample JDBCTutorialUtilities, SuppliersTable, CoffeesTable
runframe CoffeesFrame JDBCTutorialUtilities, CoffeesTableModel
For example, to run the class CoffeesTable, change the current directory to <JDBC tutorial directory>, and from this directory, run the following command:
ant runct

Processing SQL Statements with JDBC

In general, to process any SQL statement with JDBC, you follow these steps:
  1. Establishing a connection.
  2. Create a statement.
  3. Execute the query.
  4. Process the ResultSet object.
  5. Close the connection.
This page uses the following method, CoffeesTables.viewTable, from the tutorial sample to demonstrate these steps. This method outputs the contents of the table COFFEES. This method will be discussed in more detail later in this tutorial:
public static void viewTable(Connection con, String dbName)
    throws SQLException {

    Statement stmt = null;
    String query = "select COF_NAME, SUP_ID, PRICE, " +
                   "SALES, TOTAL " +
                   "from " + dbName + ".COFFEES";
    try {
        stmt = con.createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
        while ( {
            String coffeeName = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
            int supplierID = rs.getInt("SUP_ID");
            float price = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
            int sales = rs.getInt("SALES");
            int total = rs.getInt("TOTAL");
            System.out.println(coffeeName + "\t" + supplierID +
                               "\t" + price + "\t" + sales +
                               "\t" + total);
    } catch (SQLException e ) {
    } finally {
        if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }

Establishing Connections

First, establish a connection with the data source you want to use. A data source can be a DBMS, a legacy file system, or some other source of data with a corresponding JDBC driver. This connection is represented by a Connection object. See Establishing a Connection for more information.

Creating Statements

A Statement is an interface that represents a SQL statement. You execute Statement objects, and they generate ResultSet objects, which is a table of data representing a database result set. You need a Connection object to create a Statement object.
For example, CoffeesTables.viewTable creates a Statement object with the following code:
stmt = con.createStatement();
There are three different kinds of statements:
  • Statement: Used to implement simple SQL statements with no parameters.
  • PreparedStatement: (Extends Statement.) Used for precompiling SQL statements that might contain input parameters. See Using Prepared Statements for more information.
  • CallableStatement: (Extends PreparedStatement.) Used to execute stored procedures that may contain both input and output parameters. See Stored Procedures for more information.

Executing Queries

To execute a query, call an execute method from Statement such as the following:
  • execute: Returns true if the first object that the query returns is a ResultSet object. Use this method if the query could return one or more ResultSet objects. Retrieve the ResultSet objects returned from the query by repeatedly calling Statement.getResultSet.
  • executeQuery: Returns one ResultSet object.
  • executeUpdate: Returns an integer representing the number of rows affected by the SQL statement. Use this method if you are using INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE SQL statements.
For example, CoffeesTables.viewTable executed a Statement object with the following code:
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
See Retrieving and Modifying Values from Result Sets for more information.

Processing ResultSet Objects

You access the data in a ResultSet object through a cursor. Note that this cursor is not a database cursor. This cursor is a pointer that points to one row of data in the ResultSet object. Initially, the cursor is positioned before the first row. You call various methods defined in the ResultSet object to move the cursor.
For example, CoffeesTables.viewTable repeatedly calls the method to move the cursor forward by one row. Every time it calls next, the method outputs the data in the row where the cursor is currently positioned:
try {
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    while ( {
        String coffeeName = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
        int supplierID = rs.getInt("SUP_ID");
        float price = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
        int sales = rs.getInt("SALES");
        int total = rs.getInt("TOTAL");
        System.out.println(coffeeName + "\t" + supplierID +
                           "\t" + price + "\t" + sales +
                           "\t" + total);
// ...
See Retrieving and Modifying Values from Result Sets for more information.

Closing Connections

When you are finished using a Statement, call the method Statement.close to immediately release the resources it is using. When you call this method, its ResultSet objects are closed.
For example, the method CoffeesTables.viewTable ensures that the Statement object is closed at the end of the method, regardless of any SQLException objects thrown, by wrapping it in a finally block:
} finally {
    if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
JDBC throws an SQLException when it encounters an error during an interaction with a data source. See Handling SQL Exceptions for more information.
In JDBC 4.1, which is available in Java SE release 7 and later, you can use a try-with-resources statement to automatically close Connection, Statement, and ResultSet objects, regardless of whether an SQLException has been thrown. An automatic resource statement consists of a try statement and one or more declared resources. For example, you can modify CoffeesTables.viewTable so that its Statement object closes automatically, as follows:
public static void viewTable(Connection con) throws SQLException {

    String query = "select COF_NAME, SUP_ID, PRICE, " +
                   "SALES, TOTAL " +
                   "from COFFEES";

    try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {

        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

        while ( {
            String coffeeName = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
            int supplierID = rs.getInt("SUP_ID");
            float price = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
            int sales = rs.getInt("SALES");
            int total = rs.getInt("TOTAL");
            System.out.println(coffeeName + ", " + supplierID +
                               ", " + price + ", " + sales +
                               ", " + total);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
The following statement is an try-with-resources statement, which declares one resource, stmt, that will be automatically closed when the try block terminates:
try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
    // ...

Establishing a Connection

First, you need to establish a connection with the data source you want to use. A data source can be a DBMS, a legacy file system, or some other source of data with a corresponding JDBC driver. Typically, a JDBC application connects to a target data source using one of two classes:
  • DriverManager: This fully implemented class connects an application to a data source, which is specified by a database URL. When this class first attempts to establish a connection, it automatically loads any JDBC 4.0 drivers found within the class path. Note that your application must manually load any JDBC drivers prior to version 4.0.
  • DataSource: This interface is preferred over DriverManager because it allows details about the underlying data source to be transparent to your application. A DataSource object's properties are set so that it represents a particular data source. See Connecting with DataSource Objects for more information. For more information about developing applications with the DataSource class, see the latest The Java EE Tutorial.
Note: The samples in this tutorial use the DriverManager class instead of the DataSource class because it is easier to use and the samples do not require the features of the DataSource class.
This page covers the following topics:

Using the DriverManager Class

Connecting to your DBMS with the DriverManager class involves calling the method DriverManager.getConnection. The following method, JDBCTutorialUtilities.getConnection, establishes a database connection:
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {

    Connection conn = null;
    Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
    connectionProps.put("user", this.userName);
    connectionProps.put("password", this.password);

    if (this.dbms.equals("mysql")) {
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                   "jdbc:" + this.dbms + "://" +
                   this.serverName +
                   ":" + this.portNumber + "/",
    } else if (this.dbms.equals("derby")) {
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                   "jdbc:" + this.dbms + ":" +
                   this.dbName +
    System.out.println("Connected to database");
    return conn;
The method DriverManager.getConnection establishes a database connection. This method requires a database URL, which varies depending on your DBMS. The following are some examples of database URLs:
  1. MySQL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/, where localhost is the name of the server hosting your database, and 3306 is the port number
  2. Java DB: jdbc:derby:testdb;create=true, where testdb is the name of the database to connect to, and create=true instructs the DBMS to create the database.
    Note: This URL establishes a database connection with the Java DB Embedded Driver. Java DB also includes a Network Client Driver, which uses a different URL.
This method specifies the user name and password required to access the DBMS with a Properties object.
  • Typically, in the database URL, you also specify the name of an existing database to which you want to connect. For example, the URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql represents the database URL for the MySQL database named mysql. The samples in this tutorial use a URL that does not specify a specific database because the samples create a new database.
  • In previous versions of JDBC, to obtain a connection, you first had to initialize your JDBC driver by calling the method Class.forName. This methods required an object of type java.sql.Driver. Each JDBC driver contains one or more classes that implements the interface java.sql.Driver. The drivers for Java DB are org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver and org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver, and the one for MySQL Connector/J is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. See the documentation of your DBMS driver to obtain the name of the class that implements the interface java.sql.Driver.
    Any JDBC 4.0 drivers that are found in your class path are automatically loaded. (However, you must manually load any drivers prior to JDBC 4.0 with the method Class.forName.)
The method returns a Connection object, which represents a connection with the DBMS or a specific database. Query the database through this object.

Specifying Database Connection URLs

A database connection URL is a string that your DBMS JDBC driver uses to connect to a database. It can contain information such as where to search for the database, the name of the database to connect to, and configuration properties. The exact syntax of a database connection URL is specified by your DBMS.

Java DB Database Connection URLs

The following is the database connection URL syntax for Java DB:
  • subsubprotocol specifies where Java DB should search for the database, either in a directory, in memory, in a class path, or in a JAR file. It is typically omitted.
  • databaseName is the name of the database to connect to.
  • attribute=value represents an optional, semicolon-separated list of attributes. These attributes enable you to instruct Java DB to perform various tasks, including the following:
    • Create the database specified in the connection URL.
    • Encrypt the database specified in the connection URL.
    • Specify directories to store logging and trace information.
    • Specify a user name and password to connect to the database.
See Java DB Developer's Guide and Java DB Reference Manual from Java DB Technical Documentation for more information.

MySQL Connector/J Database URL

The following is the database connection URL syntax for MySQL Connector/J:
  • host:port is the host name and port number of the computer hosting your database. If not specified, the default values of host and port are and 3306, respectively.
  • database is the name of the database to connect to. If not specified, a connection is made with no default database.
  • failover is the name of a standby database (MySQL Connector/J supports failover).
  • propertyName=propertyValue represents an optional, ampersand-separated list of properties. These attributes enable you to instruct MySQL Connector/J to perform various tasks.

    Connecting with DataSource Objects

    This section covers DataSource objects, which are the preferred means of getting a connection to a data source. In addition to their other advantages, which will be explained later, DataSource objects can provide connection pooling and distributed transactions. This functionality is essential for enterprise database computing. In particular, it is integral to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology.
    This section shows you how to get a connection using the DataSource interface and how to use distributed transactions and connection pooling. Both of these involve very few code changes in your JDBC application.
    The work performed to deploy the classes that make these operations possible, which a system administrator usually does with a tool (such as Apache Tomcat or Oracle WebLogic Server), varies with the type of DataSource object that is being deployed. As a result, most of this section is devoted to showing how a system administrator sets up the environment so that programmers can use a DataSource object to get connections.
    The following topics are covered:

    Using DataSource Objects to Get a Connection

    In Establishing a Connection, you learned how to get a connection using the DriverManager class. This section shows you how to use a DataSource object to get a connection to your data source, which is the preferred way.
    Objects instantiated by classes that implement the DataSource represent a particular DBMS or some other data source, such as a file. A DataSource object represents a particular DBMS or some other data source, such as a file. If a company uses more than one data source, it will deploy a separate DataSource object for each of them. The DataSource interface is implemented by a driver vendor. It can be implemented in three different ways:
    • A basic DataSource implementation produces standard Connection objects that are not pooled or used in a distributed transaction.
    • A DataSource implementation that supports connection pooling produces Connection objects that participate in connection pooling, that is, connections that can be recycled.
    • A DataSource implementation that supports distributed transactions produces Connection objects that can be used in a distributed transaction, that is, a transaction that accesses two or more DBMS servers.
    A JDBC driver should include at least a basic DataSource implementation. For example, the Java DB JDBC driver includes the implementation org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource and for MySQL, com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource. If your client runs on Java 8 compact profile 2, then the Java DB JDBC driver is org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40. The sample for this tutorial requires compact profile 3 or greater.
    A DataSource class that supports distributed transactions typically also implements support for connection pooling. For example, a DataSource class provided by an EJB vendor almost always supports both connection pooling and distributed transactions.
    Suppose that the owner of the thriving chain of The Coffee Break shops, from the previous examples, has decided to expand further by selling coffee over the Internet. With the large amount of online business expected, the owner will definitely need connection pooling. Opening and closing connections involves a great deal of overhead, and the owner anticipates that this online ordering system will necessitate a sizable number of queries and updates. With connection pooling, a pool of connections can be used over and over again, avoiding the expense of creating a new connection for every database access. In addition, the owner now has a second DBMS that contains data for the recently acquired coffee roasting company. This means that the owner will want to be able to write distributed transactions that use both the old DBMS server and the new one.
    The chain owner has reconfigured the computer system to serve the new, larger customer base. The owner has purchased the most recent JDBC driver and an EJB application server that works with it to be able to use distributed transactions and get the increased performance that comes with connection pooling. Many JDBC drivers are available that are compatible with the recently purchased EJB server. The owner now has a three-tier architecture, with a new EJB application server and JDBC driver in the middle tier and the two DBMS servers as the third tier. Client computers making requests are the first tier.

    Deploying Basic DataSource Objects

    The system administrator needs to deploy DataSource objects so that The Coffee Break's programming team can start using them. Deploying a DataSource object consists of three tasks:
    1. Creating an instance of the DataSource class
    2. Setting its properties
    3. Registering it with a naming service that uses the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API
    First, consider the most basic case, which is to use a basic implementation of the DataSource interface, that is, one that does not support connection pooling or distributed transactions. In this case there is only one DataSource object that needs to be deployed. A basic implementation of DataSource produces the same kind of connections that the DriverManager class produces.

    Creating Instance of DataSource Class and Setting its Properties

    Suppose a company that wants only a basic implementation of DataSource has bought a driver from the JDBC vendor DB Access, Inc. This driver includes the class com.dbaccess.BasicDataSource that implements the DataSource interface. The following code excerpt creates an instance of the class BasicDataSource and sets its properties. After the instance of BasicDataSource is deployed, a programmer can call the method DataSource.getConnection to get a connection to the company's database, CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS. First, the system administrator creates the BasicDataSource object ds using the default constructor. The system administrator then sets three properties. Note that the following code is typically be executed by a deployment tool:
    com.dbaccess.BasicDataSource ds = new com.dbaccess.BasicDataSource();
    ds.setDescription("Customer accounts database for billing");
    The variable ds now represents the database CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS installed on the server. Any connection produced by the BasicDataSource object ds will be a connection to the database CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS.

    Registering DataSource Object with Naming Service That Uses JNDI API

    With the properties set, the system administrator can register the BasicDataSource object with a JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) naming service. The particular naming service that is used is usually determined by a system property, which is not shown here. The following code excerpt registers the BasicDataSource object and binds it with the logical name jdbc/billingDB:
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/billingDB", ds);
    This code uses the JNDI API. The first line creates an InitialContext object, which serves as the starting point for a name, similar to root directory in a file system. The second line associates, or binds, the BasicDataSource object ds to the logical name jdbc/billingDB. In the next code excerpt, you give the naming service this logical name, and it returns the BasicDataSource object. The logical name can be any string. In this case, the company decided to use the name billingDB as the logical name for the CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS database.
    In the previous example, jdbc is a subcontext under the initial context, just as a directory under the root directory is a subdirectory. The name jdbc/billingDB is like a path name, where the last item in the path is analogous to a file name. In this case, billingDB is the logical name that is given to the BasicDataSource object ds. The subcontext jdbc is reserved for logical names to be bound to DataSource objects, so jdbc will always be the first part of a logical name for a data source.

    Using Deployed DataSource Object

    After a basic DataSource implementation is deployed by a system administrator, it is ready for a programmer to use. This means that a programmer can give the logical data source name that was bound to an instance of a DataSource class, and the JNDI naming service will return an instance of that DataSource class. The method getConnection can then be called on that DataSource object to get a connection to the data source it represents. For example, a programmer might write the following two lines of code to get a DataSource object that produces a connection to the database CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS.
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/billingDB");
    The first line of code gets an initial context as the starting point for retrieving a DataSource object. When you supply the logical name jdbc/billingDB to the method lookup, the method returns the DataSource object that the system administrator bound to jdbc/billingDB at deployment time. Because the return value of the method lookup is a Java Object, we must cast it to the more specific DataSource type before assigning it to the variable ds.
    The variable ds is an instance of the class com.dbaccess.BasicDataSource that implements the DataSource interface. Calling the method ds.getConnection produces a connection to the CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS database.
    Connection con = ds.getConnection("fernanda","brewed");
    The getConnection method requires only the user name and password because the variable ds has the rest of the information necessary for establishing a connection with the CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS database, such as the database name and location, in its properties.

    Advantages of DataSource Objects

    Because of its properties, a DataSource object is a better alternative than the DriverManager class for getting a connection. Programmers no longer have to hard code the driver name or JDBC URL in their applications, which makes them more portable. Also, DataSource properties make maintaining code much simpler. If there is a change, the system administrator can update data source properties and not be concerned about changing every application that makes a connection to the data source. For example, if the data source were moved to a different server, all the system administrator would have to do is set the serverName property to the new server name.
    Aside from portability and ease of maintenance, using a DataSource object to get connections can offer other advantages. When the DataSource interface is implemented to work with a ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation, all of the connections produced by instances of that DataSource class will automatically be pooled connections. Similarly, when the DataSource implementation is implemented to work with an XADataSource class, all of the connections it produces will automatically be connections that can be used in a distributed transaction. The next section shows how to deploy these types of DataSource implementations.

    Deploying Other DataSource Implementations

    A system administrator or another person working in that capacity can deploy a DataSource object so that the connections it produces are pooled connections. To do this, he or she first deploys a ConnectionPoolDataSource object and then deploys a DataSource object implemented to work with it. The properties of the ConnectionPoolDataSource object are set so that it represents the data source to which connections will be produced. After the ConnectionPoolDataSource object has been registered with a JNDI naming service, the DataSource object is deployed. Generally only two properties must be set for the DataSource object: description and dataSourceName. The value given to the dataSourceName property is the logical name identifying the ConnectionPoolDataSource object previously deployed, which is the object containing the properties needed to make the connection.
    With the ConnectionPoolDataSource and DataSource objects deployed, you can call the method DataSource.getConnection on the DataSource object and get a pooled connection. This connection will be to the data source specified in the ConnectionPoolDataSource object's properties.
    The following example describes how a system administrator for The Coffee Break would deploy a DataSource object implemented to provide pooled connections. The system administrator would typically use a deployment tool, so the code fragments shown in this section are the code that a deployment tool would execute.
    To get better performance, The Coffee Break company has bought a JDBC driver from DB Access, Inc. that includes the class com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS, which implements the ConnectionPoolDataSource interface. The system administrator creates create an instance of this class, sets its properties, and registers it with a JNDI naming service. The Coffee Break has bought its DataSource class, com.applogic.PooledDataSource, from its EJB server vendor, Application Logic, Inc. The class com.applogic.PooledDataSource implements connection pooling by using the underlying support provided by the ConnectionPoolDataSource class com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS.
    The ConnectionPoolDataSource object must be deployed first. The following code creates an instance of com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS and sets its properties:
    com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS cpds = new com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS();
    cpds.setDescription("Connection pooling for " + "COFFEEBREAK DBMS");
    After the ConnectionPoolDataSource object has been deployed, the system administrator deploys the DataSource object. The following code registers the com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS object cpds with a JNDI naming service. Note that the logical name being associated with the cpds variable has the subcontext pool added under the subcontext jdbc, which is similar to adding a subdirectory to another subdirectory in a hierarchical file system. The logical name of any instance of the class com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS will always begin with jdbc/pool. Oracle recommends putting all ConnectionPoolDataSource objects under the subcontext jdbc/pool:
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/pool/fastCoffeeDB", cpds);
    Next, the DataSource class that is implemented to interact with the cpds variable and other instances of the com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS class is deployed. The following code creates an instance of this class and sets its properties. Note that only two properties are set for this instance of com.applogic.PooledDataSource. The description property is set because it is always required. The other property that is set, dataSourceName, gives the logical JNDI name for cpds, which is an instance of the com.dbaccess.ConnectionPoolDS class. In other words, cpds represents the ConnectionPoolDataSource object that will implement connection pooling for the DataSource object.
    The following code, which would probably be executed by a deployment tool, creates a PooledDataSource object, sets its properties, and binds it to the logical name jdbc/fastCoffeeDB:
    com.applogic.PooledDataSource ds = new com.applogic.PooledDataSource();
    ds.setDescription("produces pooled connections to COFFEEBREAK");
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/fastCoffeeDB", ds);
    At this point, a DataSource object is deployed from which an application can get pooled connections to the database COFFEEBREAK.

    Getting and Using Pooled Connections

    A connection pool is a cache of database connection objects. The objects represent physical database connections that can be used by an application to connect to a database. At run time, the application requests a connection from the pool. If the pool contains a connection that can satisfy the request, it returns the connection to the application. If no connections are found, a new connection is created and returned to the application. The application uses the connection to perform some work on the database and then returns the object back to the pool. The connection is then available for the next connection request.
    Connection pools promote the reuse of connection objects and reduce the number of times that connection objects are created. Connection pools significantly improve performance for database-intensive applications because creating connection objects is costly both in terms of time and resources.
    Now that these DataSource and ConnectionPoolDataSource objects are deployed, a programmer can use the DataSource object to get a pooled connection. The code for getting a pooled connection is just like the code for getting a nonpooled connection, as shown in the following two lines:
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/fastCoffeeDB");
    The variable ds represents a DataSource object that produces pooled connections to the database COFFEEBREAK. You need to retrieve this DataSource object only once because you can use it to produce as many pooled connections as needed. Calling the method getConnection on the ds variable automatically produces a pooled connection because the DataSource object that the ds variable represents was configured to produce pooled connections.
    Connection pooling is generally transparent to the programmer. There are only two things you need to do when you are using pooled connections:
    1. Use a DataSource object rather than the DriverManager class to get a connection. In the following line of code, ds is a DataSource object implemented and deployed so that it will create pooled connections and username and password are variables that represent the credentials of the user that has access to the database:
      Connection con = ds.getConnection(username, password);
    2. Use a finally statement to close a pooled connection. The following finally block would appear after the try/catch block that applies to the code in which the pooled connection was used:
      try {
          Connection con = ds.getConnection(username, password);
          // ... code to use the pooled
          // connection con
      } catch (Exception ex {
          // ... code to handle exceptions
      } finally {
          if (con != null) con.close();
    Otherwise, an application using a pooled connection is identical to an application using a regular connection. The only other thing an application programmer might notice when connection pooling is being done is that performance is better.
    The following sample code gets a DataSource object that produces connections to the database COFFEEBREAK and uses it to update a price in the table COFFEES:
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    public class ConnectionPoolingBean implements SessionBean {
        // ...
        public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
            ctx = new InitialContext();
            ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/fastCoffeeDB");
        public void updatePrice(float price, String cofName,
                                String username, String password)
            throws SQLException{
            Connection con;
            PreparedStatement pstmt;
            try {
                con = ds.getConnection(username, password);
                pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE COFFEES " +
                            "SET PRICE = ? " +
                            "WHERE COF_NAME = ?");
                pstmt.setFloat(1, price);
                pstmt.setString(2, cofName);
            } finally {
                if (con != null) con.close();
        private DataSource ds = null;
        private Context ctx = null;
    The connection in this code sample participates in connection pooling because the following are true:
    • An instance of a class implementing ConnectionPoolDataSource has been deployed.
    • An instance of a class implementing DataSource has been deployed, and the value set for its dataSourceName property is the logical name that was bound to the previously deployed ConnectionPoolDataSource object.
    Note that although this code is very similar to code you have seen before, it is different in the following ways:
    • It imports the javax.sql, javax.ejb, and javax.naming packages in addition to java.sql.
      The DataSource and ConnectionPoolDataSource interfaces are in the javax.sql package, and the JNDI constructor InitialContext and method Context.lookup are part of the javax.naming package. This particular example code is in the form of an EJB component that uses API from the javax.ejb package. The purpose of this example is to show that you use a pooled connection the same way you use a nonpooled connection, so you need not worry about understanding the EJB API.
    • It uses a DataSource object to get a connection instead of using the DriverManager facility.
    • It uses a finally block to ensure that the connection is closed.
    Getting and using a pooled connection is similar to getting and using a regular connection. When someone acting as a system administrator has deployed a ConnectionPoolDataSource object and a DataSource object properly, an application uses that DataSource object to get a pooled connection. An application should, however, use a finally block to close the pooled connection. For simplicity, the preceding example used a finally block but no catch block. If an exception is thrown by a method in the try block, it will be thrown by default, and the finally clause will be executed in any case.

    Deploying Distributed Transactions

    DataSource objects can be deployed to get connections that can be used in distributed transactions. As with connection pooling, two different class instances must be deployed: an XADataSource object and a DataSource object that is implemented to work with it.
    Suppose that the EJB server that The Coffee Break entrepreneur bought includes the DataSource class com.applogic.TransactionalDS, which works with an XADataSource class such as com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS. The fact that it works with any XADataSource class makes the EJB server portable across JDBC drivers. When the DataSource and XADataSource objects are deployed, the connections produced will be able to participate in distributed transactions. In this case, the class com.applogic.TransactionalDS is implemented so that the connections produced are also pooled connections, which will usually be the case for DataSource classes provided as part of an EJB server implementation.
    The XADataSource object must be deployed first. The following code creates an instance of com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS and sets its properties:
    com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS xads = new com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS();
    xads.setDescription("Distributed transactions for COFFEEBREAK DBMS");
    The following code registers the com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS object xads with a JNDI naming service. Note that the logical name being associated with xads has the subcontext xa added under jdbc. Oracle recommends that the logical name of any instance of the class com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS always begin with jdbc/xa.
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/xa/distCoffeeDB", xads);
    Next, the DataSource object that is implemented to interact with xads and other XADataSource objects is deployed. Note that the DataSource class, com.applogic.TransactionalDS, can work with an XADataSource class from any JDBC driver vendor. Deploying the DataSource object involves creating an instance of the com.applogic.TransactionalDS class and setting its properties. The dataSourceName property is set to jdbc/xa/distCoffeeDB, the logical name associated with com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS. This is the XADataSource class that implements the distributed transaction capability for the DataSource class. The following code deploys an instance of the DataSource class:
    com.applogic.TransactionalDS ds = new com.applogic.TransactionalDS();
    ds.setDescription("Produces distributed transaction " +
                      "connections to COFFEEBREAK");
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("jdbc/distCoffeeDB", ds);
    Now that instances of the classes com.applogic.TransactionalDS and com.dbaccess.XATransactionalDS have been deployed, an application can call the method getConnection on instances of the TransactionalDS class to get a connection to the COFFEEBREAK database that can be used in distributed transactions.

    Using Connections for Distributed Transactions

    To get a connection that can be used for distributed transactions, must use a DataSource object that has been properly implemented and deployed, as shown in the section Deploying Distributed Transactions. With such a DataSource object, call the method getConnection on it. After you have the connection, use it just as you would use any other connection. Because jdbc/distCoffeesDB has been associated with an XADataSource object in a JNDI naming service, the following code produces a Connection object that can be used in distributed transactions:
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/distCoffeesDB");
    Connection con = ds.getConnection();
    There are some minor but important restrictions on how this connection is used while it is part of a distributed transaction. A transaction manager controls when a distributed transaction begins and when it is committed or rolled back; therefore, application code should never call the methods Connection.commit or Connection.rollback. An application should likewise never call Connection.setAutoCommit(true), which enables the auto-commit mode, because that would also interfere with the transaction manager's control of the transaction boundaries. This explains why a new connection that is created in the scope of a distributed transaction has its auto-commit mode disabled by default. Note that these restrictions apply only when a connection is participating in a distributed transaction; there are no restrictions while the connection is not part of a distributed transaction.
    For the following example, suppose that an order of coffee has been shipped, which triggers updates to two tables that reside on different DBMS servers. The first table is a new INVENTORY table, and the second is the COFFEES table. Because these tables are on different DBMS servers, a transaction that involves both of them will be a distributed transaction. The code in the following example, which obtains a connection, updates the COFFEES table, and closes the connection, is the second part of a distributed transaction.
    Note that the code does not explicitly commit or roll back the updates because the scope of the distributed transaction is being controlled by the middle tier server's underlying system infrastructure. Also, assuming that the connection used for the distributed transaction is a pooled connection, the application uses a finally block to close the connection. This guarantees that a valid connection will be closed even if an exception is thrown, thereby ensuring that the connection is returned to the connection pool to be recycled.
    The following code sample illustrates an enterprise Bean, which is a class that implements the methods that can be called by a client computer. The purpose of this example is to demonstrate that application code for a distributed transaction is no different from other code except that it does not call the Connection methods commit, rollback, or setAutoCommit(true). Therefore, you do not need to worry about understanding the EJB API that is used.
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    public class DistributedTransactionBean implements SessionBean {
        // ...
        public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
            ctx = new InitialContext();
            ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/distCoffeesDB");
        public void updateTotal(int incr, String cofName, String username,
                                String password)
            throws SQLException {
            Connection con;
            PreparedStatement pstmt;
            try {
                con = ds.getConnection(username, password);
                pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE COFFEES " +
                            "SET TOTAL = TOTAL + ? " +
                            "WHERE COF_NAME = ?");
                pstmt.setInt(1, incr);
                pstmt.setString(2, cofName);
            } finally {
                if (con != null) con.close();
        private DataSource ds = null;
        private Context ctx = null;

    Handling SQLExceptions

    This page covers the following topics:

    Overview of SQLException

    When JDBC encounters an error during an interaction with a data source, it throws an instance of SQLException as opposed to Exception. (A data source in this context represents the database to which a Connection object is connected.) The SQLException instance contains the following information that can help you determine the cause of the error:
    • A description of the error. Retrieve the String object that contains this description by calling the method SQLException.getMessage.
    • A SQLState code. These codes and their respective meanings have been standardized by ISO/ANSI and Open Group (X/Open), although some codes have been reserved for database vendors to define for themselves. This String object consists of five alphanumeric characters. Retrieve this code by calling the method SQLException.getSQLState.
    • An error code. This is an integer value identifying the error that caused the SQLException instance to be thrown. Its value and meaning are implementation-specific and might be the actual error code returned by the underlying data source. Retrieve the error by calling the method SQLException.getErrorCode.
    • A cause. A SQLException instance might have a causal relationship, which consists of one or more Throwable objects that caused the SQLException instance to be thrown. To navigate this chain of causes, recursively call the method SQLException.getCause until a null value is returned.
    • A reference to any chained exceptions. If more than one error occurs, the exceptions are referenced through this chain. Retrieve these exceptions by calling the method SQLException.getNextException on the exception that was thrown.

    Retrieving Exceptions

    The following method, JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException outputs the SQLState, error code, error description, and cause (if there is one) contained in the SQLException as well as any other exception chained to it:
    public static void printSQLException(SQLException ex) {
        for (Throwable e : ex) {
            if (e instanceof SQLException) {
                if (ignoreSQLException(
                    getSQLState()) == false) {
                    System.err.println("SQLState: " +
                    System.err.println("Error Code: " +
                    System.err.println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
                    Throwable t = ex.getCause();
                    while(t != null) {
                        System.out.println("Cause: " + t);
                        t = t.getCause();
    For example, if you call the method CoffeesTable.dropTable with Java DB as your DBMS, the table COFFEES does not exist, and you remove the call to JDBCTutorialUtilities.ignoreSQLException, the output will be similar to the following:
    SQLState: 42Y55
    Error Code: 30000
    Message: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on
    'TESTDB.COFFEES' because it does not exist.
    Instead of outputting SQLException information, you could instead first retrieve the SQLState then process the SQLException accordingly. For example, the method JDBCTutorialUtilities.ignoreSQLException returns true if the SQLState is equal to code 42Y55 (and you are using Java DB as your DBMS), which causes JDBCTutorialUtilities.printSQLException to ignore the SQLException:
    public static boolean ignoreSQLException(String sqlState) {
        if (sqlState == null) {
            System.out.println("The SQL state is not defined!");
            return false;
        // X0Y32: Jar file already exists in schema
        if (sqlState.equalsIgnoreCase("X0Y32"))
            return true;
        // 42Y55: Table already exists in schema
        if (sqlState.equalsIgnoreCase("42Y55"))
            return true;
        return false;

    Retrieving Warnings

    SQLWarning objects are a subclass of SQLException that deal with database access warnings. Warnings do not stop the execution of an application, as exceptions do; they simply alert the user that something did not happen as planned. For example, a warning might let you know that a privilege you attempted to revoke was not revoked. Or a warning might tell you that an error occurred during a requested disconnection.
    A warning can be reported on a Connection object, a Statement object (including PreparedStatement and CallableStatement objects), or a ResultSet object. Each of these classes has a getWarnings method, which you must invoke in order to see the first warning reported on the calling object. If getWarnings returns a warning, you can call the SQLWarning method getNextWarning on it to get any additional warnings. Executing a statement automatically clears the warnings from a previous statement, so they do not build up. This means, however, that if you want to retrieve warnings reported on a statement, you must do so before you execute another statement.
    The following methods from JDBCTutorialUtilities illustrate how to get complete information about any warnings reported on Statement or ResultSet objects:
    public static void getWarningsFromResultSet(ResultSet rs)
        throws SQLException {
    public static void getWarningsFromStatement(Statement stmt)
        throws SQLException {
    public static void printWarnings(SQLWarning warning)
        throws SQLException {
        if (warning != null) {
        while (warning != null) {
            System.out.println("Message: " + warning.getMessage());
            System.out.println("SQLState: " + warning.getSQLState());
            System.out.print("Vendor error code: ");
            warning = warning.getNextWarning();
    The most common warning is a DataTruncation warning, a subclass of SQLWarning. All DataTruncation objects have a SQLState of 01004, indicating that there was a problem with reading or writing data. DataTruncation methods let you find out in which column or parameter data was truncated, whether the truncation was on a read or write operation, how many bytes should have been transferred, and how many bytes were actually transferred.

    Categorized SQLExceptions

    Your JDBC driver might throw a subclass of SQLException that corresponds to a common SQLState or a common error state that is not associated with a specific SQLState class value. This enables you to write more portable error-handling code. These exceptions are subclasses of one of the following classes:
    • SQLNonTransientException
    • SQLTransientException
    • SQLRecoverableException
    See the latest Javadoc of the java.sql package or the documentation of your JDBC driver for more information about these subclasses.

    Other Subclasses of SQLException

    The following subclasses of SQLException can also be thrown:
    • BatchUpdateException is thrown when an error occurs during a batch update operation. In addition to the information provided by SQLException, BatchUpdateException provides the update counts for all statements that were executed before the error occurred.
    • SQLClientInfoException is thrown when one or more client information properties could not be set on a Connection. In addition to the information provided by SQLException, SQLClientInfoException provides a list of client information properties that were not set.

    Setting Up Tables

    This page describes all the tables used in the JDBC tutorial and how to create them:

    COFFEES Table

    The COFFEES table stores information about the coffees available for sale at The Coffee Break:
    Colombian 101 7.99 0 0
    French_Roast 49 8.99 0 0
    Espresso 150 9.99 0 0
    Colombian_Decaf 101 8.99 0 0
    French_Roast_Decaf 49 9.99 0 0
    The following describes each of the columns in the COFFEES table:
    • COF_NAME: Stores the coffee name. Holds values with a SQL type of VARCHAR with a maximum length of 32 characters. Because the names are different for each type of coffee sold, the name uniquely identifies a particular coffee and serves as the primary key.
    • SUP_ID: Stores a number identifying the coffee supplier. Holds values with a SQL type of INTEGER. It is defined as a foreign key that references the column SUP_ID in the SUPPLIERS table. Consequently, the DBMS will enforce that each value in this column matches one of the values in the corresponding column in the SUPPLIERS table.
    • PRICE: Stores the cost of the coffee per pound. Holds values with a SQL type of FLOAT because it needs to hold values with decimal points. (Note that money values would typically be stored in a SQL type DECIMAL or NUMERIC, but because of differences among DBMSs and to avoid incompatibility with earlier versions of JDBC, the tutorial uses the more standard type FLOAT.)
    • SALES: Stores the number of pounds of coffee sold during the current week. Holds values with a SQL type of INTEGER.
    • TOTAL: Stores the number of pounds of coffee sold to date. Holds values with a SQL type of INTEGER.


    The SUPPLIERS stores information about each of the suppliers:
    101 Acme, Inc. 99 Market Street Groundsville CA 95199
    49 Superior Coffee 1 Party Place Mendocino CA 95460
    150 The High Ground 100 Coffee Lane Meadows CA 93966
    The following describes each of the columns in the SUPPLIERS table:
    • SUP_ID: Stores a number identifying the coffee supplier. Holds values with a SQL type of INTEGER. It is the primary key in this table.
    • SUP_NAME: Stores the name of the coffee supplier.
    • STREET, CITY, STATE, and ZIP: These columns store the address of the coffee supplier.


    The table COF_INVENTORY stores information about the amount of coffee stored in each warehouse:
    1234 House_Blend 49 0 2006_04_01
    1234 House_Blend_Decaf 49 0 2006_04_01
    1234 Colombian 101 0 2006_04_01
    1234 French_Roast 49 0 2006_04_01
    1234 Espresso 150 0 2006_04_01
    1234 Colombian_Decaf 101 0 2006_04_01
    The following describes each of the columns in the COF_INVENTORY table:
    • WAREHOUSE_ID: Stores a number identifying a warehouse.
    • COF_NAME: Stores the name of a particular type of coffee.
    • SUP_ID: Stores a number identifying a supplier.
    • QUAN: Stores a number indicating the amount of merchandise available.
    • DATE: Stores a timestamp value indicating the last time the row was updated.


    The table MERCH_INVENTORY stores information about the amount of non-coffee merchandise in stock:
    00001234 Cup_Large 00456 28 2006_04_01
    00001235 Cup_Small 00456 36 2006_04_01
    00001236 Saucer 00456 64 2006_04_01
    00001287 Carafe 00456 12 2006_04_01
    00006931 Carafe 00927 3 2006_04_01
    00006935 PotHolder 00927 88 2006_04_01
    00006977 Napkin 00927 108 2006_04_01
    00006979 Towel 00927 24 2006_04_01
    00004488 CofMaker 08732 5 2006_04_01
    00004490 CofGrinder 08732 9 2006_04_01
    00004495 EspMaker 08732 4 2006_04_01
    00006914 Cookbook 00927 12 2006_04_01
    The following describes each of the columns in the MERCH_INVENTORY table:
    • ITEM_ID: Stores a number identifying an item.
    • ITEM_NAME: Stores the name of an item.
    • SUP_ID: Stores a number identifying a supplier.
    • QUAN: Stores a number indicating the amount of that item available.
    • DATE: Stores a timestamp value indicating the last time the row was updated.


    The table COFFEE_HOUSES stores locations of coffee houses:
    10023 Mendocino 3450 2005 5455
    33002 Seattle 4699 3109 7808
    10040 SF 5386 2841 8227
    32001 Portland 3147 3579 6726
    10042 SF 2863 1874 4710
    10024 Sacramento 1987 2341 4328
    10039 Carmel 2691 1121 3812
    10041 LA 1533 1007 2540
    33005 Olympia 2733 1550 4283
    33010 Seattle 3210 2177 5387
    10035 SF 1922 1056 2978
    10037 LA 2143 1876 4019
    10034 San_Jose 1234 1032 2266
    32004 Eugene 1356 1112 2468
    The following describes each of the columns in the COFFEE_HOUSES table:
    • STORE_ID: Stores a number identifying a coffee house. It indicates, among other things, the state in which the coffee house is located. A value beginning with 10, for example, means that the state is California. STORE_ID values beginning with 32 indicate Oregon, and those beginning with 33 indicate the state of Washington.
    • CITY: Stores the name of the city in which the coffee house is located.
    • COFFEE: Stores a number indicating the amount of coffee sold.
    • MERCH: Stores a number indicating the amount of merchandise sold.
    • TOTAL: Stores a number indicating the total amount of coffee and merchandise sold.


    The table DATA_REPOSITORY stores URLs that reference documents and other data of interest to The Coffee Break. The script populate_tables.sql does not add any data to this table. The following describes each of the columns in this table:
    • DOCUMENT_NAME: Stores a string that identifies the URL.
    • URL: Stores a URL.

    Creating Tables

    You can create tables with Apache Ant or JDBC API.

    Creating Tables with Apache Ant

    To create the tables used with the tutorial sample code, run the following command in the directory <JDBC tutorial directory>:
    ant setup
    This command runs several Ant targets, including the following, build-tables (from the build.xml file):
    <target name="build-tables"
      description="Create database tables">
        autocommit="false" onerror="abort">
        <transaction src=
    The sample specifies values for the following sql Ant task parameters:
    Parameter Description
    driver Fully qualified class name of your JDBC driver. This sample uses org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver for Java DB and com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for MySQL Connector/J.
    url Database connection URL that your DBMS JDBC driver uses to connect to a database.
    userid Name of a valid user in your DBMS.
    password Password of the user specified in userid
    classpathref Full path name of the JAR file that contains the class specified in driver
    delimiter String or character that separates SQL statements. This sample uses the semicolon (;).
    autocommit Boolean value; if set to false, all SQL statements are executed as one transaction.
    onerror Action to perform when a statement fails; possible values are continue, stop, and abort. The value abort specifies that if an error occurs, the transaction is aborted.
    The sample stores the values of these parameters in a separate file. The build file build.xml retrieves these values with the import task:
    <import file="${ANTPROPERTIES}"/>
    The transaction element specifies a file that contains SQL statements to execute. The file create-tables.sql contains SQL statements that create all the tables described on this page. For example, the following excerpt from this file creates the tables SUPPLIERS and COFFEES:
    create table SUPPLIERS
        (SUP_ID integer NOT NULL,
        SUP_NAME varchar(40) NOT NULL,
        STREET varchar(40) NOT NULL,
        CITY varchar(20) NOT NULL,
        STATE char(2) NOT NULL,
        ZIP char(5),
        PRIMARY KEY (SUP_ID));
    create table COFFEES
        (COF_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL,
        SUP_ID int NOT NULL,
        PRICE numeric(10,2) NOT NULL,
        SALES integer NOT NULL,
        TOTAL integer NOT NULL,
    Note: The file build.xml contains another target named drop-tables that deletes the tables used by the tutorial. The setup target runs drop-tables before running the build-tables target.

    Creating Tables with JDBC API

    The following method, SuppliersTable.createTable, creates the SUPPLIERS table:
    public void createTable() throws SQLException {
        String createString =
            "create table " + dbName +
            ".SUPPLIERS " +
            "(SUP_ID integer NOT NULL, " +
            "SUP_NAME varchar(40) NOT NULL, " +
            "STREET varchar(40) NOT NULL, " +
            "CITY varchar(20) NOT NULL, " +
            "STATE char(2) NOT NULL, " +
            "ZIP char(5), " +
            "PRIMARY KEY (SUP_ID))";
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    The following method, CoffeesTable.createTable, creates the COFFEES table:
      public void createTable() throws SQLException {
        String createString =
            "create table " + dbName +
            ".COFFEES " +
            "(COF_NAME varchar(32) NOT NULL, " +
            "SUP_ID int NOT NULL, " +
            "PRICE float NOT NULL, " +
            "SALES integer NOT NULL, " +
            "TOTAL integer NOT NULL, " +
            "PRIMARY KEY (COF_NAME), " +
            dbName + ".SUPPLIERS (SUP_ID))";
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    In both methods, con is a Connection object and dbName is the name of the database in which you are creating the table.
    To execute the SQL query, such as those specified by the String createString, use a Statement object. To create a Statement object, call the method Connection.createStatement from an existing Connection object. To execute a SQL query, call the method Statement.executeUpdate.
    All Statement objects are closed when the connection that created them is closed. However, it is good coding practice to explicitly close Statement objects as soon as you are finished with them. This allows any external resources that the statement is using to be released immediately. Close a statement by calling the method Statement.close. Place this statement in a finally to ensure that it closes even if the normal program flow is interrupted because an exception (such as SQLException) is thrown.
    Note: You must create the SUPPLIERS table before the COFFEES because COFFEES contains a foreign key, SUP_ID that references SUPPLIERS.

    Populating Tables

    Similarly, you can insert data into tables with Apache Ant or JDBC API.

    Populating Tables with Apache Ant

    In addition to creating the tables used by this tutorial, the command ant setup also populates these tables. This command runs the Ant target populate-tables, which runs the SQL script populate-tables.sql.
    The following is an excerpt from populate-tables.sql that populates the tables SUPPLIERS and COFFEES:
    insert into SUPPLIERS values(
        49, 'Superior Coffee', '1 Party Place',
        'Mendocino', 'CA', '95460');
    insert into SUPPLIERS values(
        101, 'Acme, Inc.', '99 Market Street',
        'Groundsville', 'CA', '95199');
    insert into SUPPLIERS values(
        150, 'The High Ground',
        '100 Coffee Lane', 'Meadows', 'CA', '93966');
    insert into COFFEES values(
        'Colombian', 00101, 7.99, 0, 0);
    insert into COFFEES values(
        'French_Roast', 00049, 8.99, 0, 0);
    insert into COFFEES values(
        'Espresso', 00150, 9.99, 0, 0);
    insert into COFFEES values(
        'Colombian_Decaf', 00101, 8.99, 0, 0);
    insert into COFFEES values(
        'French_Roast_Decaf', 00049, 9.99, 0, 0);

    Populating Tables with JDBC API

    The following method, SuppliersTable.populateTable, inserts data into the table:
    public void populateTable() throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".SUPPLIERS " +
                "values(49, 'Superior Coffee', " +
                "'1 Party Place', " +
                "'Mendocino', 'CA', '95460')");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".SUPPLIERS " +
                "values(101, 'Acme, Inc.', " +
                "'99 Market Street', " +
                "'Groundsville', 'CA', '95199')");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".SUPPLIERS " +
                "values(150, " +
                "'The High Ground', " +
                "'100 Coffee Lane', " +
                "'Meadows', 'CA', '93966')");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    The following method, CoffeesTable.populateTable, inserts data into the table:
    public void populateTable() throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".COFFEES " +
                "values('Colombian', 00101, " +
                "7.99, 0, 0)");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".COFFEES " +
                "values('French_Roast', " +
                "00049, 8.99, 0, 0)");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".COFFEES " +
                "values('Espresso', 00150, 9.99, 0, 0)");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".COFFEES " +
                "values('Colombian_Decaf', " +
                "00101, 8.99, 0, 0)");
                "insert into " + dbName +
                ".COFFEES " +
                "values('French_Roast_Decaf', " +
                "00049, 9.99, 0, 0)");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) {

    Retrieving and Modifying Values from Result Sets

    The following method, CoffeesTable.viewTable outputs the contents of the COFFEES tables, and demonstrates the use of ResultSet objects and cursors:
    public static void viewTable(Connection con, String dbName)
        throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        String query =
            "select COF_NAME, SUP_ID, PRICE, " +
            "SALES, TOTAL " +
            "from " + dbName + ".COFFEES";
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            while ( {
                String coffeeName = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
                int supplierID = rs.getInt("SUP_ID");
                float price = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
                int sales = rs.getInt("SALES");
                int total = rs.getInt("TOTAL");
                System.out.println(coffeeName + "\t" + supplierID +
                                   "\t" + price + "\t" + sales +
                                   "\t" + total);
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    A ResultSet object is a table of data representing a database result set, which is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database. For example, the CoffeeTables.viewTable method creates a ResultSet, rs, when it executes the query through the Statement object, stmt. Note that a ResultSet object can be created through any object that implements the Statement interface, including PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, and RowSet.
    You access the data in a ResultSet object through a cursor. Note that this cursor is not a database cursor. This cursor is a pointer that points to one row of data in the ResultSet. Initially, the cursor is positioned before the first row. The method moves the cursor to the next row. This method returns false if the cursor is positioned after the last row. This method repeatedly calls the method with a while loop to iterate through all the data in the ResultSet.
    This page covers the following topics:

    ResultSet Interface

    The ResultSet interface provides methods for retrieving and manipulating the results of executed queries, and ResultSet objects can have different functionality and characteristics. These characteristics are type, concurrency, and cursor holdability.

    ResultSet Types

    The type of a ResultSet object determines the level of its functionality in two areas: the ways in which the cursor can be manipulated, and how concurrent changes made to the underlying data source are reflected by the ResultSet object.
    The sensitivity of a ResultSet object is determined by one of three different ResultSet types:
    • TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY: The result set cannot be scrolled; its cursor moves forward only, from before the first row to after the last row. The rows contained in the result set depend on how the underlying database generates the results. That is, it contains the rows that satisfy the query at either the time the query is executed or as the rows are retrieved.
    • TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE: The result can be scrolled; its cursor can move both forward and backward relative to the current position, and it can move to an absolute position. The result set is insensitive to changes made to the underlying data source while it is open. It contains the rows that satisfy the query at either the time the query is executed or as the rows are retrieved.
    • TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE: The result can be scrolled; its cursor can move both forward and backward relative to the current position, and it can move to an absolute position. The result set reflects changes made to the underlying data source while the result set remains open.
    The default ResultSet type is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY.
    Note: Not all databases and JDBC drivers support all ResultSet types. The method DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetType returns true if the specified ResultSet type is supported and false otherwise.

    ResultSet Concurrency

    The concurrency of a ResultSet object determines what level of update functionality is supported.
    There are two concurrency levels:
    • CONCUR_READ_ONLY: The ResultSet object cannot be updated using the ResultSet interface.
    • CONCUR_UPDATABLE: The ResultSet object can be updated using the ResultSet interface.
    The default ResultSet concurrency is CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
    Note: Not all JDBC drivers and databases support concurrency. The method DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency returns true if the specified concurrency level is supported by the driver and false otherwise.
    The method CoffeesTable.modifyPrices demonstrates how to use a ResultSet object whose concurrency level is CONCUR_UPDATABLE.

    Cursor Holdability

    Calling the method Connection.commit can close the ResultSet objects that have been created during the current transaction. In some cases, however, this may not be the desired behavior. The ResultSet property holdability gives the application control over whether ResultSet objects (cursors) are closed when commit is called.
    The following ResultSet constants may be supplied to the Connection methods createStatement, prepareStatement, and prepareCall:
    • HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT: ResultSet cursors are not closed; they are holdable: they are held open when the method commit is called. Holdable cursors might be ideal if your application uses mostly read-only ResultSet objects.
    • CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT: ResultSet objects (cursors) are closed when the commit method is called. Closing cursors when this method is called can result in better performance for some applications.
    The default cursor holdability varies depending on your DBMS.
    Note: Not all JDBC drivers and databases support holdable and non-holdable cursors. The following method, JDBCTutorialUtilities.cursorHoldabilitySupport, outputs the default cursor holdability of ResultSet objects and whether HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT and CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT are supported:
    public static void cursorHoldabilitySupport(Connection conn)
        throws SQLException {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = conn.getMetaData();
        System.out.println("ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT = " +
        System.out.println("ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT = " +
        System.out.println("Default cursor holdability: " +
        System.out.println("Supports HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT? " +
        System.out.println("Supports CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT? " +

    Retrieving Column Values from Rows

    The ResultSet interface declares getter methods (for example, getBoolean and getLong) for retrieving column values from the current row. You can retrieve values using either the index number of the column or the alias or name of the column. The column index is usually more efficient. Columns are numbered from 1. For maximum portability, result set columns within each row should be read in left-to-right order, and each column should be read only once.
    For example, the following method, CoffeesTable.alternateViewTable, retrieves column values by number:
    public static void alternateViewTable(Connection con)
        throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        String query =
            "select COF_NAME, SUP_ID, PRICE, " +
            "SALES, TOTAL from COFFEES";
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            while ( {
                String coffeeName = rs.getString(1);
                int supplierID = rs.getInt(2);
                float price = rs.getFloat(3);
                int sales = rs.getInt(4);
                int total = rs.getInt(5);
                System.out.println(coffeeName + "\t" + supplierID +
                                   "\t" + price + "\t" + sales +
                                   "\t" + total);
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    Strings used as input to getter methods are case-insensitive. When a getter method is called with a string and more than one column has the same alias or name as the string, the value of the first matching column is returned. The option to use a string as opposed to an integer is designed to be used when column aliases and names are used in the SQL query that generated the result set. For columns that are not explicitly named in the query (for example, select * from COFFEES) it is best to use column numbers. If column names are used, the developer should guarantee that they uniquely refer to the intended columns by using column aliases. A column alias effectively renames the column of a result set. To specify a column alias, use the SQL AS clause in the SELECT statement.
    The getter method of the appropriate type retrieves the value in each column. For example, in the method CoffeeTables.viewTable, the first column in each row of the ResultSet rs is COF_NAME, which stores a value of SQL type VARCHAR. The method for retrieving a value of SQL type VARCHAR is getString. The second column in each row stores a value of SQL type INTEGER, and the method for retrieving values of that type is getInt.
    Note that although the method getString is recommended for retrieving the SQL types CHAR and VARCHAR, it is possible to retrieve any of the basic SQL types with it. Getting all values with getString can be very useful, but it also has its limitations. For instance, if it is used to retrieve a numeric type, getString converts the numeric value to a Java String object, and the value has to be converted back to a numeric type before it can be operated on as a number. In cases where the value is treated as a string anyway, there is no drawback. Furthermore, if you want an application to retrieve values of any standard SQL type other than SQL3 types, use the getString method.


    As mentioned previously, you access the data in a ResultSet object through a cursor, which points to one row in the ResultSet object. However, when a ResultSet object is first created, the cursor is positioned before the first row. The method CoffeeTables.viewTable moves the cursor by calling the method. There are other methods available to move the cursor:
    • next: Moves the cursor forward one row. Returns true if the cursor is now positioned on a row and false if the cursor is positioned after the last row.
    • previous: Moves the cursor backward one row. Returns true if the cursor is now positioned on a row and false if the cursor is positioned before the first row.
    • first: Moves the cursor to the first row in the ResultSet object. Returns true if the cursor is now positioned on the first row and false if the ResultSet object does not contain any rows.
    • last:: Moves the cursor to the last row in the ResultSet object. Returns true if the cursor is now positioned on the last row and false if the ResultSet object does not contain any rows.
    • beforeFirst: Positions the cursor at the start of the ResultSet object, before the first row. If the ResultSet object does not contain any rows, this method has no effect.
    • afterLast: Positions the cursor at the end of the ResultSet object, after the last row. If the ResultSet object does not contain any rows, this method has no effect.
    • relative(int rows): Moves the cursor relative to its current position.
    • absolute(int row): Positions the cursor on the row specified by the parameter row.
    Note that the default sensitivity of a ResultSet is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, which means that it cannot be scrolled; you cannot call any of these methods that move the cursor, except next, if your ResultSet cannot be scrolled. The method CoffeesTable.modifyPrices, described in the following section, demonstrates how you can move the cursor of a ResultSet.

    Updating Rows in ResultSet Objects

    You cannot update a default ResultSet object, and you can only move its cursor forward. However, you can create ResultSet objects that can be scrolled (the cursor can move backwards or move to an absolute position) and updated.
    The following method, CoffeesTable.modifyPrices, multiplies the PRICE column of each row by the argument percentage:
    public void modifyPrices(float percentage) throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
            ResultSet uprs = stmt.executeQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM " + dbName + ".COFFEES");
            while ( {
                float f = uprs.getFloat("PRICE");
                uprs.updateFloat( "PRICE", f * percentage);
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    The field ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE creates a ResultSet object whose cursor can move both forward and backward relative to the current position and to an absolute position. The field ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE creates a ResultSet object that can be updated. See the ResultSet Javadoc for other fields you can specify to modify the behavior of ResultSet objects.
    The method ResultSet.updateFloat updates the specified column (in this example, PRICE with the specified float value in the row where the cursor is positioned. ResultSet contains various updater methods that enable you to update column values of various data types. However, none of these updater methods modifies the database; you must call the method ResultSet.updateRow to update the database.

    Using Statement Objects for Batch Updates

    Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement objects have a list of commands that is associated with them. This list may contain statements for updating, inserting, or deleting a row; and it may also contain DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE. It cannot, however, contain a statement that would produce a ResultSet object, such as a SELECT statement. In other words, the list can contain only statements that produce an update count.
    The list, which is associated with a Statement object at its creation, is initially empty. You can add SQL commands to this list with the method addBatch and empty it with the method clearBatch. When you have finished adding statements to the list, call the method executeBatch to send them all to the database to be executed as a unit, or batch.
    For example, the following method CoffeesTable.batchUpdate adds four rows to the COFFEES table with a batch update:
    public void batchUpdate() throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = this.con.createStatement();
                "INSERT INTO COFFEES " +
                "VALUES('Amaretto', 49, 9.99, 0, 0)");
                "INSERT INTO COFFEES " +
                "VALUES('Hazelnut', 49, 9.99, 0, 0)");
                "INSERT INTO COFFEES " +
                "VALUES('Amaretto_decaf', 49, " +
                "10.99, 0, 0)");
                "INSERT INTO COFFEES " +
                "VALUES('Hazelnut_decaf', 49, " +
                "10.99, 0, 0)");
            int [] updateCounts = stmt.executeBatch();
        } catch(BatchUpdateException b) {
        } catch(SQLException ex) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    The following line disables auto-commit mode for the Connection object con so that the transaction will not be automatically committed or rolled back when the method executeBatch is called.
    To allow for correct error handling, you should always disable auto-commit mode before beginning a batch update.
    The method Statement.addBatch adds a command to the list of commands associated with the Statement object stmt. In this example, these commands are all INSERT INTO statements, each one adding a row consisting of five column values. The values for the columns COF_NAME and PRICE are the name of the coffee and its price, respectively. The second value in each row is 49 because that is the identification number for the supplier, Superior Coffee. The last two values, the entries for the columns SALES and TOTAL, all start out being zero because there have been no sales yet. (SALES is the number of pounds of this row's coffee sold in the current week; TOTAL is the total of all the cumulative sales of this coffee.)
    The following line sends the four SQL commands that were added to its list of commands to the database to be executed as a batch:
    int [] updateCounts = stmt.executeBatch();
    Note that stmt uses the method executeBatch to send the batch of insertions, not the method executeUpdate, which sends only one command and returns a single update count. The DBMS executes the commands in the order in which they were added to the list of commands, so it will first add the row of values for Amaretto, then add the row for Hazelnut, then Amaretto decaf, and finally Hazelnut decaf. If all four commands execute successfully, the DBMS will return an update count for each command in the order in which it was executed. The update counts that indicate how many rows were affected by each command are stored in the array updateCounts.
    If all four of the commands in the batch are executed successfully, updateCounts will contain four values, all of which are 1 because an insertion affects one row. The list of commands associated with stmt will now be empty because the four commands added previously were sent to the database when stmt called the method executeBatch. You can at any time explicitly empty this list of commands with the method clearBatch.
    The Connection.commit method makes the batch of updates to the COFFEES table permanent. This method needs to be called explicitly because the auto-commit mode for this connection was disabled previously.
    The following line enables auto-commit mode for the current Connection object.
    Now each statement in the example will automatically be committed after it is executed, and it no longer needs to invoke the method commit.

    Performing Parameterized Batch Update

    It is also possible to have a parameterized batch update, as shown in the following code fragment, where con is a Connection object:
    PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(
                                  "INSERT INTO COFFEES VALUES( " +
                                  "?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
    pstmt.setString(1, "Amaretto");
    pstmt.setInt(2, 49);
    pstmt.setFloat(3, 9.99);
    pstmt.setInt(4, 0);
    pstmt.setInt(5, 0);
    pstmt.setString(1, "Hazelnut");
    pstmt.setInt(2, 49);
    pstmt.setFloat(3, 9.99);
    pstmt.setInt(4, 0);
    pstmt.setInt(5, 0);
    // ... and so on for each new
    // type of coffee
    int [] updateCounts = pstmt.executeBatch();

    Handling Batch Update Exceptions

    You will get a BatchUpdateException when you call the method executeBatch if (1) one of the SQL statements you added to the batch produces a result set (usually a query) or (2) one of the SQL statements in the batch does not execute successfully for some other reason.
    You should not add a query (a SELECT statement) to a batch of SQL commands because the method executeBatch, which returns an array of update counts, expects an update count from each SQL statement that executes successfully. This means that only commands that return an update count (commands such as INSERT INTO, UPDATE, DELETE) or that return 0 (such as CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE) can be successfully executed as a batch with the executeBatch method.
    A BatchUpdateException contains an array of update counts that is similar to the array returned by the method executeBatch. In both cases, the update counts are in the same order as the commands that produced them. This tells you how many commands in the batch executed successfully and which ones they are. For example, if five commands executed successfully, the array will contain five numbers: the first one being the update count for the first command, the second one being the update count for the second command, and so on.
    BatchUpdateException is derived from SQLException. This means that you can use all of the methods available to an SQLException object with it. The following method, JDBCTutorialUtilities.printBatchUpdateException prints all of the SQLException information plus the update counts contained in a BatchUpdateException object. Because BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts returns an array of int, the code uses a for loop to print each of the update counts:
    public static void printBatchUpdateException(BatchUpdateException b) {
        System.err.println("SQLState:  " + b.getSQLState());
        System.err.println("Message:  " + b.getMessage());
        System.err.println("Vendor:  " + b.getErrorCode());
        System.err.print("Update counts:  ");
        int [] updateCounts = b.getUpdateCounts();
        for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) {
            System.err.print(updateCounts[i] + "   ");

    Inserting Rows in ResultSet Objects

    Note: Not all JDBC drivers support inserting new rows with the ResultSet interface. If you attempt to insert a new row and your JDBC driver database does not support this feature, a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException exception is thrown.
    The following method, CoffeesTable.insertRow, inserts a row into the COFFEES through a ResultSet object:
    public void insertRow(String coffeeName, int supplierID,
                          float price, int sales, int total)
        throws SQLException {
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = con.createStatement(
            ResultSet uprs = stmt.executeQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM " + dbName +
            uprs.updateString("COF_NAME", coffeeName);
            uprs.updateInt("SUP_ID", supplierID);
            uprs.updateFloat("PRICE", price);
            uprs.updateInt("SALES", sales);
            uprs.updateInt("TOTAL", total);
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); }
    This example calls the Connection.createStatement method with two arguments, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE and ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. The first value enables the cursor of the ResultSet object to be moved both forward and backward. The second value, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, is required if you want to insert rows into a ResultSet object; it specifies that it can be updatable.
    The same stipulations for using strings in getter methods also apply to updater methods.
    The method ResultSet.moveToInsertRow moves the cursor to the insert row. The insert row is a special row associated with an updatable result set. It is essentially a buffer where a new row can be constructed by calling the updater methods prior to inserting the row into the result set. For example, this method calls the method ResultSet.updateString to update the insert row's COF_NAME column to Kona.
    The method ResultSet.insertRow inserts the contents of the insert row into the ResultSet object and into the database.
    Note: After inserting a row with the ResultSet.insertRow, you should move the cursor to a row other than the insert row. For example, this example moves it to before the first row in the result set with the method ResultSet.beforeFirst. Unexpected results can occur if another part of your application uses the same result set and the cursor is still pointing to the insert row.

    Using Prepared Statements

    This page covers the following topics:

    Overview of Prepared Statements

    Sometimes it is more convenient to use a PreparedStatement object for sending SQL statements to the database. This special type of statement is derived from the more general class, Statement, that you already know.
    If you want to execute a Statement object many times, it usually reduces execution time to use a PreparedStatement object instead.
    The main feature of a PreparedStatement object is that, unlike a Statement object, it is given a SQL statement when it is created. The advantage to this is that in most cases, this SQL statement is sent to the DBMS right away, where it is compiled. As a result, the PreparedStatement object contains not just a SQL statement, but a SQL statement that has been precompiled. This means that when the PreparedStatement is executed, the DBMS can just run the PreparedStatement SQL statement without having to compile it first.
    Although PreparedStatement objects can be used for SQL statements with no parameters, you probably use them most often for SQL statements that take parameters. The advantage of using SQL statements that take parameters is that you can use the same statement and supply it with different values each time you execute it. Examples of this are in the following sections.
    The following method, CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales, stores the number of pounds of coffee sold in the current week in the SALES column for each type of coffee, and updates the total number of pounds of coffee sold in the TOTAL column for each type of coffee:
    public void updateCoffeeSales(HashMap<String, Integer> salesForWeek)
        throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement updateSales = null;
        PreparedStatement updateTotal = null;
        String updateString =
            "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " +
            "set SALES = ? where COF_NAME = ?";
        String updateStatement =
            "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " +
            "set TOTAL = TOTAL + ? " +
            "where COF_NAME = ?";
        try {
            updateSales = con.prepareStatement(updateString);
            updateTotal = con.prepareStatement(updateStatement);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : salesForWeek.entrySet()) {
                updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
                updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());
                updateTotal.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
                updateTotal.setString(2, e.getKey());
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
            if (con != null) {
                try {
                    System.err.print("Transaction is being rolled back");
                } catch(SQLException excep) {
        } finally {
            if (updateSales != null) {
            if (updateTotal != null) {

    Creating a PreparedStatement Object

    The following creates a PreparedStatement object that takes two input parameters:
    String updateString =
        "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " +
        "set SALES = ? where COF_NAME = ?";
    updateSales = con.prepareStatement(updateString);

    Supplying Values for PreparedStatement Parameters

    You must supply values in place of the question mark placeholders (if there are any) before you can execute a PreparedStatement object. Do this by calling one of the setter methods defined in the PreparedStatement class. The following statements supply the two question mark placeholders in the PreparedStatement named updateSales:
    updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
    updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());
    The first argument for each of these setter methods specifies the question mark placeholder. In this example, setInt specifies the first placeholder and setString specifies the second placeholder.
    After a parameter has been set with a value, it retains that value until it is reset to another value, or the method clearParameters is called. Using the PreparedStatement object updateSales, the following code fragment illustrates reusing a prepared statement after resetting the value of one of its parameters and leaving the other one the same:
    // changes SALES column of French Roast
    //row to 100
    updateSales.setInt(1, 100);
    updateSales.setString(2, "French_Roast");
    // changes SALES column of Espresso row to 100
    // (the first parameter stayed 100, and the second
    // parameter was reset to "Espresso")
    updateSales.setString(2, "Espresso");

    Using Loops to Set Values

    You can often make coding easier by using a for loop or a while loop to set values for input parameters.
    The CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales method uses a for-each loop to repeatedly set values in the PreparedStatement objects updateSales and updateTotal:
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : salesForWeek.entrySet()) {
        updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
        updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());
        // ...
    The method CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales takes one argument, HashMap. Each element in the HashMap argument contains the name of one type of coffee and the number of pounds of that type of coffee sold during the current week. The for-each loop iterates through each element of the HashMap argument and sets the appropriate question mark placeholders in updateSales and updateTotal.

    Executing PreparedStatement Objects

    As with Statement objects, to execute a PreparedStatement object, call an execute statement: executeQuery if the query returns only one ResultSet (such as a SELECT SQL statement), executeUpdate if the query does not return a ResultSet (such as an UPDATE SQL statement), or execute if the query might return more than one ResultSet object. Both PreparedStatement objects in CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales contain UPDATE SQL statements, so both are executed by calling executeUpdate:
    updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
    updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());
    updateTotal.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
    updateTotal.setString(2, e.getKey());
    No arguments are supplied to executeUpdate when they are used to execute updateSales and updateTotals; both PreparedStatement objects already contain the SQL statement to be executed.
    Note: At the beginning of CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales, the auto-commit mode is set to false:
    Consequently, no SQL statements are committed until the method commit is called. For more information about the auto-commit mode, see Transactions.

    Return Values for the executeUpdate Method

    Whereas executeQuery returns a ResultSet object containing the results of the query sent to the DBMS, the return value for executeUpdate is an int value that indicates how many rows of a table were updated. For instance, the following code shows the return value of executeUpdate being assigned to the variable n:
    updateSales.setInt(1, 50);
    updateSales.setString(2, "Espresso");
    int n = updateSales.executeUpdate();
    // n = 1 because one row had a change in it
    The table COFFEES is updated; the value 50 replaces the value in the column SALES in the row for Espresso. That update affects one row in the table, so n is equal to 1.
    When the method executeUpdate is used to execute a DDL (data definition language) statement, such as in creating a table, it returns the int value of 0. Consequently, in the following code fragment, which executes the DDL statement used to create the table COFFEES, n is assigned a value of 0:
    // n = 0
    int n = executeUpdate(createTableCoffees); 
    Note that when the return value for executeUpdate is 0, it can mean one of two things:
    • The statement executed was an update statement that affected zero rows.
    • The statement executed was a DDL statement.

    Using Transactions

    There are times when you do not want one statement to take effect unless another one completes. For example, when the proprietor of The Coffee Break updates the amount of coffee sold each week, the proprietor will also want to update the total amount sold to date. However, the amount sold per week and the total amount sold should be updated at the same time; otherwise, the data will be inconsistent. The way to be sure that either both actions occur or neither action occurs is to use a transaction. A transaction is a set of one or more statements that is executed as a unit, so either all of the statements are executed, or none of the statements is executed.
    This page covers the following topics

    Disabling Auto-Commit Mode

    When a connection is created, it is in auto-commit mode. This means that each individual SQL statement is treated as a transaction and is automatically committed right after it is executed. (To be more precise, the default is for a SQL statement to be committed when it is completed, not when it is executed. A statement is completed when all of its result sets and update counts have been retrieved. In almost all cases, however, a statement is completed, and therefore committed, right after it is executed.)
    The way to allow two or more statements to be grouped into a transaction is to disable the auto-commit mode. This is demonstrated in the following code, where con is an active connection:

    Committing Transactions

    After the auto-commit mode is disabled, no SQL statements are committed until you call the method commit explicitly. All statements executed after the previous call to the method commit are included in the current transaction and committed together as a unit. The following method, CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales, in which con is an active connection, illustrates a transaction:
    public void updateCoffeeSales(HashMap<String, Integer> salesForWeek)
        throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement updateSales = null;
        PreparedStatement updateTotal = null;
        String updateString =
            "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " +
            "set SALES = ? where COF_NAME = ?";
        String updateStatement =
            "update " + dbName + ".COFFEES " +
            "set TOTAL = TOTAL + ? " +
            "where COF_NAME = ?";
        try {
            updateSales = con.prepareStatement(updateString);
            updateTotal = con.prepareStatement(updateStatement);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : salesForWeek.entrySet()) {
                updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
                updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());
                updateTotal.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue());
                updateTotal.setString(2, e.getKey());
        } catch (SQLException e ) {
            if (con != null) {
                try {
                    System.err.print("Transaction is being rolled back");
                } catch(SQLException excep) {
        } finally {
            if (updateSales != null) {
            if (updateTotal != null) {
    In this method, the auto-commit mode is disabled for the connection con, which means that the two prepared statements updateSales and updateTotal are committed together when the method commit is called. Whenever the commit method is called (either automatically when auto-commit mode is enabled or explicitly when it is disabled), all changes resulting from statements in the transaction are made permanent. In this case, that means that the SALES and TOTAL columns for Colombian coffee have been changed to 50 (if TOTAL had been 0 previously) and will retain this value until they are changed with another update statement.
    The statement con.setAutoCommit(true); enables auto-commit mode, which means that each statement is once again committed automatically when it is completed. Then, you are back to the default state where you do not have to call the method commit yourself. It is advisable to disable the auto-commit mode only during the transaction mode. This way, you avoid holding database locks for multiple statements, which increases the likelihood of conflicts with other users.

    Using Transactions to Preserve Data Integrity

    In addition to grouping statements together for execution as a unit, transactions can help to preserve the integrity of the data in a table. For instance, imagine that an employee was supposed to enter new coffee prices in the table COFFEES but delayed doing it for a few days. In the meantime, prices rose, and today the owner is in the process of entering the higher prices. The employee finally gets around to entering the now outdated prices at the same time that the owner is trying to update the table. After inserting the outdated prices, the employee realizes that they are no longer valid and calls the Connection method rollback to undo their effects. (The method rollback aborts a transaction and restores values to what they were before the attempted update.) At the same time, the owner is executing a SELECT statement and printing the new prices. In this situation, it is possible that the owner will print a price that had been rolled back to its previous value, making the printed price incorrect.
    This kind of situation can be avoided by using transactions, providing some level of protection against conflicts that arise when two users access data at the same time.
    To avoid conflicts during a transaction, a DBMS uses locks, mechanisms for blocking access by others to the data that is being accessed by the transaction. (Note that in auto-commit mode, where each statement is a transaction, locks are held for only one statement.) After a lock is set, it remains in force until the transaction is committed or rolled back. For example, a DBMS could lock a row of a table until updates to it have been committed. The effect of this lock would be to prevent a user from getting a dirty read, that is, reading a value before it is made permanent. (Accessing an updated value that has not been committed is considered a dirty read because it is possible for that value to be rolled back to its previous value. If you read a value that is later rolled back, you will have read an invalid value.)
    How locks are set is determined by what is called a transaction isolation level, which can range from not supporting transactions at all to supporting transactions that enforce very strict access rules.
    One example of a transaction isolation level is TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, which will not allow a value to be accessed until after it has been committed. In other words, if the transaction isolation level is set to TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, the DBMS does not allow dirty reads to occur. The interface Connection includes five values that represent the transaction isolation levels you can use in JDBC:
    Isolation Level Transactions Dirty Reads Non-Repeatable Reads Phantom Reads
    TRANSACTION_NONE Not supported Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
    TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED Supported Prevented Allowed Allowed
    TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED Supported Allowed Allowed Allowed
    TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ Supported Prevented Prevented Allowed
    TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE Supported Prevented Prevented Prevented
    A non-repeatable read occurs when transaction A retrieves a row, transaction B subsequently updates the row, and transaction A later retrieves the same row again. Transaction A retrieves the same row twice but sees different data.
    A phantom read occurs when transaction A retrieves a set of rows satisfying a given condition, transaction B subsequently inserts or updates a row such that the row now meets the condition in transaction A, and transaction A later repeats the conditional retrieval. Transaction A now sees an additional row. This row is referred to as a phantom.
    Usually, you do not need to do anything about the transaction isolation level; you can just use the default one for your DBMS. The default transaction isolation level depends on your DBMS. For example, for Java DB, it is TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED. JDBC allows you to find out what transaction isolation level your DBMS is set to (using the Connection method getTransactionIsolation) and also allows you to set it to another level (using the Connection method setTransactionIsolation).
    Note: A JDBC driver might not support all transaction isolation levels. If a driver does not support the isolation level specified in an invocation of setTransactionIsolation, the driver can substitute a higher, more restrictive transaction isolation level. If a driver cannot substitute a higher transaction level, it throws a SQLException. Use the method DatabaseMetaData.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel to determine whether or not the driver supports a given level.

    Setting and Rolling Back to Savepoints

    The method Connection.setSavepoint, sets a Savepoint object within the current transaction. The Connection.rollback method is overloaded to take a Savepoint argument.
    The following method, CoffeesTable.modifyPricesByPercentage, raises the price of a particular coffee by a percentage, priceModifier. However, if the new price is greater than a specified price, maximumPrice, then the price is reverted to the original price:
    public void modifyPricesByPercentage(
        String coffeeName,
        float priceModifier,
        float maximumPrice)
        throws SQLException {
        Statement getPrice = null;
        Statement updatePrice = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        String query =
            "WHERE COF_NAME = '" + coffeeName + "'";
        try {
            Savepoint save1 = con.setSavepoint();
            getPrice = con.createStatement(
            updatePrice = con.createStatement();
            if (!getPrice.execute(query)) {
                    "Could not find entry " +
                    "for coffee named " +
            } else {
                rs = getPrice.getResultSet();
                float oldPrice = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
                float newPrice = oldPrice + (oldPrice * priceModifier);
                    "Old price of " + coffeeName +
                    " is " + oldPrice);
                    "New price of " + coffeeName +
                    " is " + newPrice);
                    "Performing update...");
                    "UPDATE COFFEES SET PRICE = " +
                    newPrice +
                    " WHERE COF_NAME = '" +
                    coffeeName + "'");
                    "\nCOFFEES table after " +
                if (newPrice > maximumPrice) {
                        "\nThe new price, " +
                        newPrice +
                        ", is greater than the " +
                        "maximum price, " +
                        maximumPrice +
                        ". Rolling back the " +
                        "\nCOFFEES table " +
                        "after rollback:");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (getPrice != null) { getPrice.close(); }
            if (updatePrice != null) {
    The following statement specifies that the cursor of the ResultSet object generated from the getPrice query is closed when the commit method is called. Note that if your DBMs does not support ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT, then this constant is ignored:
    getPrice = con.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT);
    The method begins by creating a Savepoint with the following statement:
    Savepoint save1 = con.setSavepoint();
    The method checks if the new price is greater than the maximumPrice value. If so, the method rolls back the transaction with the following statement:
    Consequently, when the method commits the transaction by calling the Connection.commit method, it will not commit any rows whose associated Savepoint has been rolled back; it will commit all the other updated rows.

    Releasing Savepoints

    The method Connection.releaseSavepoint takes a Savepoint object as a parameter and removes it from the current transaction.
    After a savepoint has been released, attempting to reference it in a rollback operation causes a SQLException to be thrown. Any savepoints that have been created in a transaction are automatically released and become invalid when the transaction is committed, or when the entire transaction is rolled back. Rolling a transaction back to a savepoint automatically releases and makes invalid any other savepoints that were created after the savepoint in question.

    When to Call Method rollback

    As mentioned earlier, calling the method rollback terminates a transaction and returns any values that were modified to their previous values. If you are trying to execute one or more statements in a transaction and get a SQLException, call the method rollback to end the transaction and start the transaction all over again. That is the only way to know what has been committed and what has not been committed. Catching a SQLException tells you that something is wrong, but it does not tell you what was or was not committed. Because you cannot count on the fact that nothing was committed, calling the method rollback is the only way to be certain.
    The method CoffeesTable.updateCoffeeSales demonstrates a transaction and includes a catch block that invokes the method rollback. If the application continues and uses the results of the transaction, this call to the rollback method in the catch block prevents the use of possibly incorrect data.

    Using RowSet Objects

    A JDBC RowSet object holds tabular data in a way that makes it more flexible and easier to use than a result set.
    Oracle has defined five RowSet interfaces for some of the more popular uses of a RowSet, and standard reference are available for these RowSet interfaces. In this tutorial you will learn how to use these reference implementations.
    These versions of the RowSet interface and their implementations have been provided as a convenience for programmers. Programmers are free to write their own versions of the javax.sql.RowSet interface, to extend the implementations of the five RowSet interfaces, or to write their own implementations. However, many programmers will probably find that the standard reference implementations already fit their needs and will use them as is.
    This section introduces you to the RowSet interface and the following interfaces that extend this interface:
    • JdbcRowSet
    • CachedRowSet
    • WebRowSet
    • JoinRowSet
    • FilteredRowSet
    The following topics are covered:

    What Can RowSet Objects Do?

    All RowSet objects are derived from the ResultSet interface and therefore share its capabilities. What makes JDBC RowSet objects special is that they add these new capabilities:

    Function as JavaBeans Component

    All RowSet objects are JavaBeans components. This means that they have the following:
    • Properties
    • JavaBeans Notification Mechanism


    All RowSet objects have properties. A property is a field that has corresponding getter and setter methods. Properties are exposed to builder tools (such as those that come with the IDEs JDveloper and Eclipse) that enable you to visually manipulate beans. For more information, see the Properties lesson in the JavaBeans trail.

    JavaBeans Notification Mechanism

    RowSet objects use the JavaBeans event model, in which registered components are notified when certain events occur. For all RowSet objects, three events trigger notifications:
    • A cursor movement
    • The update, insertion, or deletion of a row
    • A change to the entire RowSet contents
    The notification of an event goes to all listeners, components that have implemented the RowSetListener interface and have had themselves added to the RowSet object's list of components to be notified when any of the three events occurs.
    A listener could be a GUI component such as a bar graph. If the bar graph is tracking data in a RowSet object, the listener would want to know the new data values whenever the data changed. The listener would therefore implement the RowSetListener methods to define what it will do when a particular event occurs. Then the listener also must be added to the RowSet object's list of listeners. The following line of code registers the bar graph component bg with the RowSet object rs.
    Now bg will be notified each time the cursor moves, a row is changed, or all of rs gets new data.

    Add Scrollability or Updatability

    Some DBMSs do not support result sets that can be scrolled (scrollable), and some do not support result sets that can be updated (updatable). If a driver for that DBMS does not add the ability to scroll or update result sets, you can use a RowSet object to do it. A RowSet object is scrollable and updatable by default, so by populating a RowSet object with the contents of a result set, you can effectively make the result set scrollable and updatable.

    Kinds of RowSet Objects

    A RowSet object is considered either connected or disconnected. A connected RowSet object uses a JDBC driver to make a connection to a relational database and maintains that connection throughout its life span. A disconnected RowSet object makes a connection to a data source only to read in data from a ResultSet object or to write data back to the data source. After reading data from or writing data to its data source, the RowSet object disconnects from it, thus becoming "disconnected." During much of its life span, a disconnected RowSet object has no connection to its data source and operates independently. The next two sections tell you what being connected or disconnected means in terms of what a RowSet object can do.

    Connected RowSet Objects

    Only one of the standard RowSet implementations is a connected RowSet object: JdbcRowSet. Always being connected to a database, a JdbcRowSet object is most similar to a ResultSet object and is often used as a wrapper to make an otherwise non-scrollable and read-only ResultSet object scrollable and updatable.
    As a JavaBeans component, a JdbcRowSet object can be used, for example, in a GUI tool to select a JDBC driver. A JdbcRowSet object can be used this way because it is effectively a wrapper for the driver that obtained its connection to the database.

    Disconnected RowSet Objects

    The other four implementations are disconnected RowSet implementations. Disconnected RowSet objects have all the capabilities of connected RowSet objects plus they have the additional capabilities available only to disconnected RowSet objects. For example, not having to maintain a connection to a data source makes disconnected RowSet objects far more lightweight than a JdbcRowSet object or a ResultSet object. Disconnected RowSet objects are also serializable, and the combination of being both serializable and lightweight makes them ideal for sending data over a network. They can even be used for sending data to thin clients such as PDAs and mobile phones.
    The CachedRowSet interface defines the basic capabilities available to all disconnected RowSet objects. The other three are extensions of the CachedRowSet interface, which provide more specialized capabilities. The following information shows how they are related:
    A CachedRowSet object has all the capabilities of a JdbcRowSet object plus it can also do the following:
    • Obtain a connection to a data source and execute a query
    • Read the data from the resulting ResultSet object and populate itself with that data
    • Manipulate data and make changes to data while it is disconnected
    • Reconnect to the data source to write changes back to it
    • Check for conflicts with the data source and resolve those conflicts
    A WebRowSet object has all the capabilities of a CachedRowSet object plus it can also do the following:
    • Write itself as an XML document
    • Read an XML document that describes a WebRowSet object
    A JoinRowSet object has all the capabilities of a WebRowSet object (and therefore also those of a CachedRowSet object) plus it can also do the following:
    • Form the equivalent of a SQL JOIN without having to connect to a data source
    A FilteredRowSet object likewise has all the capabilities of a WebRowSet object (and therefore also a CachedRowSet object) plus it can also do the following:
    • Apply filtering criteria so that only selected data is visible. This is equivalent to executing a query on a RowSet object without having to use a query language or connect to a data source.

    Using JdbcRowSet Objects

    A JdbcRowSet object is an enhanced ResultSet object. It maintains a connection to its data source, just as a ResultSet object does. The big difference is that it has a set of properties and a listener notification mechanism that make it a JavaBeans component.
    One of the main uses of a JdbcRowSet object is to make a ResultSet object scrollable and updatable when it does not otherwise have those capabilities.
    This section covers the following topics:

    Creating JdbcRowSet Objects

    You can create a JdbcRowSet object in various ways:
    • By using the reference implementation constructor that takes a ResultSet object
    • By using the reference implementation constructor that takes a Connection object
    • By using the reference implementation default constructor
    • By using an instance of RowSetFactory, which is created from the class RowSetProvider
    Note: Alternatively, you can use the constructor from the JdbcRowSet implementation of your JDBC driver. However, implementations of the RowSet interface will differ from the reference implementation. These implementations will have different names and constructors. For example, the Oracle JDBC driver's implementation of the JdbcRowSet interface is named oracle.jdbc.rowset.OracleJDBCRowSet.

    Passing ResultSet Objects

    The simplest way to create a JdbcRowSet object is to produce a ResultSet object and pass it to the JdbcRowSetImpl constructor. Doing this not only creates a JdbcRowSet object but also populates it with the data in the ResultSet object.
    Note: The ResultSet object that is passed to the JdbcRowSetImpl constructor must be scrollable.
    As an example, the following code fragment uses the Connection object con to create a Statement object, stmt, which then executes a query. The query produces the ResultSet object rs, which is passed to the constructor to create a new JdbcRowSet object initialized with the data in rs:
    stmt = con.createStatement(
    rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from COFFEES");
    jdbcRs = new JdbcRowSetImpl(rs);
    A JdbcRowSet object created with a ResultSet object serves as a wrapper for the ResultSet object. Because the RowSet object rs is scrollable and updatable, jdbcRs is also scrollable and updatable. If you have run the method createStatement without any arguments, rs would not be scrollable or updatable, and neither would jdbcRs.

    Passing Connection Objects

    The first statement in the following code excerpt from JdbcRowSetSample creates a JdbcRowSet object that connects to the database with the Connection object con:
    jdbcRs = new JdbcRowSetImpl(con);
    jdbcRs.setCommand("select * from COFFEES");
    The object jdbcRs contains no data until you specify a SQL statement with the method setCommand, then run the method execute.
    The object jdbcRs is scrollable and updatable; by default, JdbcRowSet and all other RowSet objects are scrollable and updatable unless otherwise specified. See Default JdbcRowSet Objects for more information about JdbcRowSet properties you can specify.

    Using the Default Constructor

    The first statement in the following code excerpt creates an empty JdbcRowSet object.
    public void createJdbcRowSet(String username, String password) {
        jdbcRs = new JdbcRowSetImpl();
        jdbcRs.setCommand("select * from COFFEES");
        // ...
    The object jdbcRs contains no data until you specify a SQL statement with the method setCommand, specify how the JdbcResultSet object connects the database, and then run the method execute.
    All of the reference implementation constructors assign the default values for the properties listed in the section Default JdbcRowSet Objects.

    Using the RowSetFactory Interface

    With RowSet 1.1, which is part of Java SE 7 and later, you can use an instance of RowSetFactory to create a JdbcRowSet object. For example, the following code excerpt uses an instance of the RowSetFactory interface to create the JdbcRowSet object, jdbcRs:
    public void createJdbcRowSetWithRowSetFactory(
        String username, String password)
        throws SQLException {
        RowSetFactory myRowSetFactory = null;
        JdbcRowSet jdbcRs = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        try {
            myRowSetFactory = RowSetProvider.newFactory();
            jdbcRs = myRowSetFactory.createJdbcRowSet();
            jdbcRs.setCommand("select * from COFFEES");
            // ...
    The following statement creates the RowSetProvider object myRowSetFactory with the default RowSetFactory implementation, com.sun.rowset.RowSetFactoryImpl:
    myRowSetFactory = RowSetProvider.newFactory();
    Alternatively, if your JDBC driver has its own RowSetFactory implementation, you may specify it as an argument of the newFactory method.
    The following statements create the JdbcRowSet object jdbcRs and configure its database connection properties:
    jdbcRs = myRowSetFactory.createJdbcRowSet();
    The RowSetFactory interface contains methods to create the different types of RowSet implementations available in RowSet 1.1 and later:
    • createCachedRowSet
    • createFilteredRowSet
    • createJdbcRowSet
    • createJoinRowSet
    • createWebRowSet

    Default JdbcRowSet Objects

    When you create a JdbcRowSet object with the default constructor, the new JdbcRowSet object will have the following properties:
    • type: ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE (has a scrollable cursor)
    • concurrency: ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE (can be updated)
    • escapeProcessing: true (the driver will do escape processing; when escape processing is enabled, the driver will scan for any escape syntax and translate it into code that the particular database understands)
    • maxRows: 0 (no limit on the number of rows)
    • maxFieldSize: 0 (no limit on the number of bytes for a column value; applies only to columns that store BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR values)
    • queryTimeout: 0 (has no time limit for how long it takes to execute a query)
    • showDeleted: false (deleted rows are not visible)
    • transactionIsolation: Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED (reads only data that has been committed)
    • typeMap: null (the type map associated with a Connection object used by this RowSet object is null)
    The main thing you must remember from this list is that a JdbcRowSet and all other RowSet objects are scrollable and updatable unless you set different values for those properties.

    Setting Properties

    The section Default JdbcRowSet Objects lists the properties that are set by default when a new JdbcRowSet object is created. If you use the default constructor, you must set some additional properties before you can populate your new JdbcRowSet object with data.
    In order to get its data, a JdbcRowSet object first needs to connect to a database. The following four properties hold information used in obtaining a connection to a database.
    • username: the name a user supplies to a database as part of gaining access
    • password: the user's database password
    • url: the JDBC URL for the database to which the user wants to connect
    • datasourceName: the name used to retrieve a DataSource object that has been registered with a JNDI naming service
    Which of these properties you set depends on how you are going to make a connection. The preferred way is to use a DataSource object, but it may not be practical for you to register a DataSource object with a JNDI naming service, which is generally done by a system administrator. Therefore, the code examples all use the DriverManager mechanism to obtain a connection, for which you use the url property and not the datasourceName property.
    Another property that you must set is the command property. This property is the query that determines what data the JdbcRowSet object will hold. For example, the following line of code sets the command property with a query that produces a ResultSet object containing all the data in the table COFFEES:
    jdbcRs.setCommand("select * from COFFEES");
    After you have set the command property and the properties necessary for making a connection, you are ready to populate the jdbcRs object with data by calling the execute method.
    The execute method does many things for you in the background:
    • It makes a connection to the database using the values you assigned to the url, username, and password properties.
    • It executes the query you set in the command property.
    • It reads the data from the resulting ResultSet object into the jdbcRs object.

    Using JdbcRowSet Objects

    You update, insert, and delete a row in a JdbcRowSet object the same way you update, insert, and delete a row in an updatable ResultSet object. Similarly, you navigate a JdbcRowSet object the same way you navigate a scrollable ResultSet object.
    The Coffee Break chain of coffee houses acquired another chain of coffee houses and now has a legacy database that does not support scrolling or updating of a result set. In other words, any ResultSet object produced by this legacy database does not have a scrollable cursor, and the data in it cannot be modified. However, by creating a JdbcRowSet object populated with the data from a ResultSet object, you can, in effect, make the ResultSet object scrollable and updatable.
    As mentioned previously, a JdbcRowSet object is by default scrollable and updatable. Because its contents are identical to those in a ResultSet object, operating on the JdbcRowSet object is equivalent to operating on the ResultSet object itself. And because a JdbcRowSet object has an ongoing connection to the database, changes it makes to its own data are also made to the data in the database.
    This section covers the following topics:

    Navigating JdbcRowSet Objects

    A ResultSet object that is not scrollable can use only the next method to move its cursor forward, and it can move the cursor only forward from the first row to the last row. A default JdbcRowSet object, however, can use all of the cursor movement methods defined in the ResultSet interface.
    A JdbcRowSet object can call the method next, and it can also call any of the other ResultSet cursor movement methods. For example, the following lines of code move the cursor to the fourth row in the jdbcRs object and then back to the third row:
    The method previous is analogous to the method next in that it can be used in a while loop to traverse all of the rows in order. The difference is that you must move the cursor to a position after the last row, and previous moves the cursor toward the beginning.

    Updating Column Values

    You update data in a JdbcRowSet object the same way you update data in a ResultSet object.
    Assume that the Coffee Break owner wants to raise the price for a pound of Espresso coffee. If the owner knows that Espresso is in the third row of the jdbcRs object, the code for doing this might look like the following:
    jdbcRs.updateFloat("PRICE", 10.99f);
    The code moves the cursor to the third row and changes the value for the column PRICE to 10.99, and then updates the database with the new price.
    Calling the method updateRow updates the database because jdbcRs has maintained its connection to the database. For disconnected RowSet objects, the situation is different.

    Inserting Rows

    If the owner of the Coffee Break chain wants to add one or more coffees to what he offers, the owner will need to add one row to the COFFEES table for each new coffee, as is done in the following code fragment from JdbcRowSetSample. Notice that because the jdbcRs object is always connected to the database, inserting a row into a JdbcRowSet object is the same as inserting a row into a ResultSet object: You move to the cursor to the insert row, use the appropriate updater method to set a value for each column, and call the method insertRow:
    jdbcRs.updateString("COF_NAME", "HouseBlend");
    jdbcRs.updateInt("SUP_ID", 49);
    jdbcRs.updateFloat("PRICE", 7.99f);
    jdbcRs.updateInt("SALES", 0);
    jdbcRs.updateInt("TOTAL", 0);
    jdbcRs.updateString("COF_NAME", "HouseDecaf");
    jdbcRs.updateInt("SUP_ID", 49);
    jdbcRs.updateFloat("PRICE", 8.99f);
    jdbcRs.updateInt("SALES", 0);
    jdbcRs.updateInt("TOTAL", 0);
    When you call the method insertRow, the new row is inserted into the jdbcRs object and is also inserted into the database. The preceding code fragment goes through this process twice, so two new rows are inserted into the jdbcRs object and the database.

    Deleting Rows

    As is true with updating data and inserting a new row, deleting a row is just the same for a JdbcRowSet object as for a ResultSet object. The owner wants to discontinue selling French Roast decaffeinated coffee, which is the last row in the jdbcRs object. In the following lines of code, the first line moves the cursor to the last row, and the second line deletes the last row from the jdbcRs object and from the database:

    Code Sample

    The sample JdbcRowSetSample does the following:
    • Creates a new JdbcRowSet object initialized with the ResultSet object that was produced by the execution of a query that retrieves all the rows in the COFFEES table
    • Moves the cursor to the third row of the COFFEES table and updates the PRICE column in that row
    • Inserts two new rows, one for HouseBlend and one for HouseDecaf
    • Moves the cursor to the last row and deletes it

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